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MAC version is attached in the post.


We corrected our project name in this version, therefore the progress in v1.31 are gone, you are not enable to load old saves automatically because that. There's a text file explaining how do you have to proceed to recover them attached in the post.

Contact us if you need more help.

SM Team


Preben Jensen

Can't open it - says it's damaged. Can you check it out?


Whenever I try to open it I just get a window that says unable to find game, please help!


No, I'm able to get the game icon, but when I click the icon a window opens and just says unable to find game


Hey, I'm getting an error that says "unable to find game" when opening the game on mac. Any fix for this?


First off, sorry for the late reply, one patron had the same issue, here is what he did : First update your OS to the most recent version. If it still, try one of 3 these solutions: 1. Move the downloaded .app to a different directory and launch it. 2. Copy and paste the same .app into the same directory. Launch it! 3.Launch the original "Unable to find game!!" through bash using "open -a". Let us know if it worked.