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Hello !

First off, thanks for the support so far.

We've read all the comments left, the bads and the goods, things will start to get hotter and cooler from now on.

A changelog will be add, that way we'll know what is new in the game.

A new writer joined the team too, he is going to make a better content for the game.

Question ? Ask away !

SM Team




Do you guys have a timeline for completion? I'm happy to support the game, but not indefinitely. Thanks!


There will be a few differents endings soon, but it needs more locations and events, the world in SM can be expanded as big as we want. If you have ideas let's us know. :)

Bob Sob

Guys, you need to do something about this <a href="https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/9c6fef2deb89f68e6552e6edbe2bb71e49924cdcd8914a6240383b6a8d9147b7/analysis/1493954451/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/9c6fef2deb89f68e6552e6edbe2bb71e49924cdcd8914a6240383b6a8d9147b7/analysis/1493954451/</a>


Hi, there's something in Game Maker files that trigger that in antivirus programs, you're not the only who had this problem. The problem will be fixed in the next upload, if not let us know. :)


can we get some sort of tutorial as to what actually increases stats and such. cant seem to increase my affinity with anyone or make any scenes happen.


just wondering if your going to release the game with a finale price instead of the $5 per month? , btw love you design and art style.


Howdy just pledged, good luck.


Oh and if you are looking for advice well I don't know if I'm the best person to give that but I'd like the characters already in the game to be fleshed out while new characters be the teases. Kind of odd that you have 5 good characters and nothing happens with them.


Enjoying the game so far so kudos to the team. Sorry if this is the wrong place or if i'm repeating already reported issues/ideas. I won't say anything about adding more lewds since you've probably heard enough of that already, just don't forget your main purpose. A few things i'd personally like to see fixed/implemented. First, When you claim you're Chris's 'Lover' when you first meet the security guard Chris says "You embarrasses me!". This would be fine if it was meant to be cute, but since you lose affinity for saying it, it should probably be written as "You're embarrassing me!" Second, The description for the Strength workout is currently the Cardio description for me. Third, It'd be cool/ less grindy to have multiple babysit locations. Fourth, In addition to the multiple locations it'd be cool to have a small chance of learning skills from babysitting e.g. cardio/strength from babysitting a house with energetic boys and Etiquette from a house of well behaved girls. Finally, Something that's probably already planned. The ability to buy jewelry/gifts to boost affinity. Maybe just have it so they only appear on Chris and just boost stats for others to keep it simple for now. Again sorry if i missed people saying these first or you already acknowledging them. Keep up the good work. P.S. In general Patreon support, I don't mind long breaks between game updates providing communication is provided even if its just a simple 'Got this done, or doing this now' i.e. Weekly or bi-monthly. I know you provide WIP images for $10 supporters but even just saying 'Finshed artwork for new mystery character' would be appreciated.


Sorry about my english..!! I really love this game and i can't w8 for the next update that's why i always come here to see and news ... and i have 1 Q : now am in the dance club and nothing hpn tell now is this the end of this update or i'm noob?


I just got this update but how do i get the dance class to unlock?


next update?


Coming in the next days, sorry for the recent delays, you'll enjoy the new update :)


What do I do after having sex with the dance teacher and getting "trained" on the leg press by the gym coach? I've wasted a bunch of days trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go next