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Liz knew it was wrong as she held the body swap gun at the center of her room. She could tell how bad things were by the concerned look in Helen's eyes before she left to go to the mall. Helen was her best friend who initially helped with the body part theft in the beginning, but Liz couldn't stop her body alterations after being confronted. She loved how her breasts looked now, and she loved the looks she got when she walked through her college campus. But the guilt she felt for using her own invention just to become one of the popular girls was immense. Liz was an engineering student who wanted to fit in. Unfortunately, she was never confident as a person. She was always called "below average" and was never invited to any of the campus parties.

Before she began to use the body part swapping gun, Liz used to wear oversized clothing to hide her awkward shape. Her long, chubby legs were always hidden, her hair was always frizzy, and her face was always covered in acne. She would shyly avoid eye contact and carry large books around to cover her belly.

One day, after hearing the news of a successful swap machine prototype from one of her colleagues, she decided to give up on her research and devote her time to perfecting her own machine. She read all sorts of papers and experimented using different materials. The result was a sleek-looking gun with a white casing and a trigger. It was supposed to work similarly to the patented body swap machine, except it focused on specific body parts. Upon being shot at a target, shooting another person would swap the body part that was initially shot. All of it was theoretical, and much of it was guesswork that she was willing to take a risk on.

Gulping, Liz remembered how she aimed the gun at her other friend's body when she wasn't looking. Cheryl had no idea what she was doing, and when she was shot with a ray of light, she didn't know what had happened. The gun acted like a flashlight from her perspective. She didn't even realize that her breasts had been scanned by the gun. Liz didn't bother shooting the gun at her own breasts until after returning home, and when she did, she was pleased to see the results.

Her breasts were larger now. Her nipples had gone from a dark brown to a light pink, and there was a natural jiggle whenever she walked around the room that she absolutely loved. Eventually, after trying the gun on as many popular girls as possible, her body had become completely different. Now, her butt was perky from the nameless Brazilian exchange student, and her lips were plumped from Kelsey with a smile that got every guy in public hard. The best part about it all was that her victims would be trapped with the features she absolutely hated about herself. Kelsey had been her bully, and now she had her gorgeous smile.

But as she looked up in the mirror while undressing, she noticed that something was wrong. She felt slower, and she wasn't thinking as quickly as she used to. She used to be able to do arithmetic in her head, but she was starting to find that she was relying on her calculator for simple math.

As she stood at the center of her bedroom, that's when it clicked. She realized that she was losing pieces of her memory and information from her brain to create and maintain the hot and bimbo version of herself. She was becoming an airhead, and it was her fault. Combining pieces of other people meant altering pieces of her own mind as well. This was the consequence of using her body part swapping gun, and the more she used it, the more she'd lose herself.

But her curiosity outweighed her concerns, and she couldn't help but keep trying new combinations. She put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger, forcing her face to rapidly change. Her hair became a brighter blonde. And after finally cooling off, she stared back into the mirror and smiled at what she'd become. Her eyes became a shade of green. 

She loved how good she felt, and she especially enjoyed the attention she got from the guys on campus. It wouldn't be long before guys would start asking her out, and it wouldn't be long before people asked her to be in a committed relationship. But as a bimbo airhead, fun was the only thing that mattered, and sex was her sole hobby. The only unfortunate thing was that the gun could only be powered by a certain composition of chemicals, and she was the only one who could have comprehended her notes.



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