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Leilah, a 54-year-old CEO, sat across from Bernadette. The girl was her young and stunning executive assistant who had been eager to learn everything from her. Leilah, with her raven-black hair was in stark contrast to Bernadette's youthful glow and vibrant blonde hair. But what stood between them was more than mere physical appearances. It was a transaction, a silent contract, an agreement as unusual as it was intriguing. “You’re absolutely sure about this?” Leilah finally asked.

The executive assistant nodded loyally. Leilah, once vibrant and youthful herself, was no stranger to the relentless march of time. Each passing year had etched lines on her face and sapped the energy from her body. It was the sight of Bernadette, brimming with energy and vibrance, that made Leilah yearn for the days of her youth. A desperate desire, a secret wish, that was about to be granted.

Bernadette, on the other hand, was a young woman laden with a mountain of debts. The substantial bonus that Leilah offered was a godsend, a lifeline thrown at the right time. But the transaction was more than just money; it was her youth that she was temporarily selling. An agreement was reached, a pact sealed with a single pen.

The process was an odd and yet fascinating one. Two doctors, as meticulous as they were thorough, began to attach an intricate network of wires to their foreheads. Their faces twisted in a mix of discomfort and amusement, as their heads buzzed with an odd sensation. The electrical hum of the machinery, the pulsating energy circulating in the room, created a strange atmosphere. It was as though reality itself was twisting, bending to their will.

The body swap was an ordeal that was as disorienting as it was thrilling. They both groaned as their souls left their bodies, were drawn into the machine, and swapped. A strange, foreign feeling enveloped them, as if they had been detached from their selves and propelled into a new, alien reality. Their heads were practically spinning while strange images appeared in both their heads.

And then, it was over. 

Leilah stood up, her legs wobbling slightly in her new, slim body. The sensation of youth, of vitality, surged through her veins like a potent elixir. As she caught her reflection on her camera, a gasp escaped her lips. Bernadette’s reflection was a stark reminder of what she had been missing for decades. Meanwhile, Bernadette, in Leilah's aged body, was dazed and slightly unsteady on her feet. The world seemed heavier, slower, but the sight of her boss's sheer happiness brought a warm smile to her face.  Leilah, now young and vibrant, picked up her things, casting a last, grateful glance over her shoulder at Bernadette. Her lips curved into a smile as she thanked her, a simple utterance that held a world of sincerity. With a spring in her step, she walked out of the room, ready to relish her newfound youth, leaving behind an older, yet content Bernadette, sitting quietly in her chair while she planned her own schedule.



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