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“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Jasper whispered. Everything felt so weird, and his breasts could barely fit in his T-shirt at this point. His hair was longer, and his voice was feminine. He glared at Harold at this point, who was joyfully strutting around the apartment while Jasper gritted his teeth. “I thought I told you not to say the incantation?”

Harold shrugged. He seemed elated with their predicament. “Don’t you see what we could do? This is going to be really fun. Take a step back and think about it. We’re gorgeous. We can sleep with our friends and make them lose their shit after they realize they’ve actually slept with guys.

“Except we’re not guys. We’re women. And we’re the ones who’d be made fun of. Not them.”

But Harold didn’t seem to listen or care, and that made Jasper sigh. Searching for a way to step up their prankster swag, they had taken to an online website known for its bizarre and unusual content nearly a day ago. This platform was a hodgepodge of prank ideas, conspiracy theories, and arcane knowledge. It was in the spell section, an area frequented by individuals with a fondness for the supernatural, that they had discovered something extraordinary. Intrigued by the idea, they printed out a handful of spells. They dabbled with a few minor incantations, and after a while, they realized that it was all real. They could make their hands glow and grow taller for a few minutes at a time. But the final spell they attempted was a transformation incantation, and that’s when things went sideways. 

Harold, ever the impulsive one, didn't think twice before uttering the cryptic words. The moment he finished the incantation, the apartment filled with a shimmering energy. It started at their feet, a tingling sensation that made Jasper stomp at the ground, before it then swiftly ascended. As they looked at each other, their bodies began to morph. Their features softened, their cheekbones elevated, their frames slimmed, and their heights shrank. Their clothes hung loosely as their bodies reshaped, conforming to a new, more feminine silhouette. Their breasts made their shirts tighter, and their hair grew down passed their shoulders in waves.

Watching his reflection in the mirror, Jasper was awestruck. His eyes, previously a dull green, now sparkled with an emerald brilliance. His face was softer, more delicate, and his hair, now brown, had a lustrous sheen to it. However, it wasn't just the physical transformation that struck him; he could feel changes within him. His emotions were heightened, and he was unusually aware of the subtlest of sensations.

This wasn't what he expected, but it wasn't the worst that could have happened. As he adjusted to his new form, he found himself considering the possibilities just like Harold did. A playful smile grew on his face as he decided to embrace the situation, dressing up in his sister's clothes left at his apartment. Harold cheered him on, helping him choose an outfit that flattered his new physique.

Unfortunately, they eventually became too enamored with being women that they didn’t bother reading the last part of the spell. They had to say the incantation to turn back to normal, and there was a twelve hour time limit before they would be stuck in their new bodies forever. And after sleeping with their friends and having their masculinities questioned because of how much they enjoyed it, becoming trapped in their bodies became all too real. Things wouldn’t have been so bad if they could use magic, but there wasn’t a spell that could undo a permanent transformation. To make things worse, Jasper was pregnant, and it didn’t look like things were going to get better at this point.



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