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Hi my friends!

I woke up this morning to messages from several of you who were initially unable to join the hangout yesterday due to it going over the 100 person limit for zoom (I had no idea this limit existed)

Please let me know if any of you were completely blocked out or if you managed to join later?

In any case, it was a fascinating hangout where Captain Magnar Nordal shared his experiences from flying the ATR and we discussed things like super-stall and flat-spins.

I hope to see as many of you in my next hangout, have an absolutely fantastic week!




Andrea Sorknes

That is what I asked too Paolo! Perfect solution if we can watch it later!


That's what happens when you are in demand, Captain. Maybe increasing hang out participants and setting meeting guidelines prior the hang out would help. Good morning!

Arun Thomas

I tried to join 7 minutes after meeting started and I couldn't join. I tried to join a few more times, even via phone and kicked me out. I didn't think there was going to be a chance where spots would open up. Hopefully next time, I'll join the call earlier!

Phil Wright

Hi Petter. Really super loved that it was on wknd. I wanted to join. I think you had so many people because it was on a weekend and people weren't working. Maybe?


The free Zoom basic version has a limit of 100 users and 40 minute time limit on meetings, the business version which cost €17.49/month has a limit of 300 participants per meeting and time limit of 30 hours. win-win with so many participants Petter :-)) maybe it is upgrade time Petter :-)) https://zoom.us/pricing


Actually, I have the business one and it has a limit of 100.. not sure how much higher I would have to go to reach 300