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Oh, wow! Look at all those papers scattered on the floor! What a mess... I think someone is going to have to work overtime picking them up! ;3

Alright, so...! Oh yeah, I know what you're thinking, or at least I think that I know what you're thinking! You saw this title popped out in your inbox, your notifications, or just checking here on Patreon, and you just thought immediately... "Oh great, yeah, finally...! 'Zota finally drew a character from The Office transforming into a werewolf! Oh man, it was about time already...!" BUT... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry my dear friend, I'm afraid that we'll have to wait a little longer to see that! But TODAY we have some office related transformation content, let's see, let's see...! Well, it looks like in this story we have this young woman, who apparently is working overtime during the night obliged by her superior, who apparently as we can see from the dialogue, suspected from the very beginning that she was a werewolf, revealing that the whole thing of making her work so late was just a plan to discover her in the middle of her transformation...!

Well, now those are some dubious practices at work, but hey, let's look at the bright side... It seems that she's about to get a promotion! How...? I mean, I dunno, but I'm sure that she'll be fine! ;P




She’ll get promoted after her superior gets fired for taking advantage of her transformation


She'll probably get taller. Literally. That's very beautiful!