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Just a little head-up to inform you guys about a coming move that will come during the summer :3

It will be quite a big one with me moving to an entirely new region. It will be in the country side, closer to some of my relatives and also closer to nature and beautiful sceneries which I think is going to help inspiration a lot ^^

It honestly should be barely noticeable for you guys, with me being away for one week or so either the end of june or start of July, the time to settle things down, having a functional internet etc. At the very worst I could put my Patreon on pause if I'm too absent but I really don't think it will come to that !

I'm very excited. it's an important move for me that is likely going to change quite a lot of things in my life :)



Hope your move goes by with as little nonsense as possible :3


I wish you a nice moving ^ ^


Im so happy for you karbo!So nice to hear that and I hope you will ne quite happy there with your family!

Todd Hunter

I wish for you to have a successful move, Karbo. Take care.


Ooh sounds nice hope it goes well


Awesome! Have fun!


You got this! It's going to be amazing!!


Hope that everything goes through without any trouble with your moving 🙏 . Living in a small quiet village around mother nature myself I'm sure you're going to enjoy the change of scenery very much 😊 .


The quality of your creations can only be improved by the betterment of your life environment. We can only look forward to this extra zen touch you will surely instill in your fairies'hungry gaze.... :-)


Thank you ! yes it's going to be a very positive change :)

Todd Hunter

You're welcome.


Glad to hear it! I think living in the vicinity of a bit of nature is really healthy for the mind and body. I hope it goes smoothly and hassle-free!