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Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Oh wow, the leg kicking In those last few panels.....the sense of distress.....and painful realization she should have not taken her harpy foe for a bird brain.....not gonna lie, it almost felt like forced vore...like same size ish vore which is...eh not the best IMHO but now it is definitely on another level. I very much enjoy this strip, as to why I am one of your lucky patrons :) keep it up!


I like the desperate punch the hunter threw.


I think this is going to be may favorite comic


Elle aurait pas du baisser sa garde


Picture seems to be turning out great! Out of the two you posted I think I like the one with the quiver stays until the end more. To me that makes more sense then it just snapping off like it did in the other piece, and I do agree that the effect looks better.

Enigmatic Jester

I think the picture with the quiver is better. It makes the struggle feel a bit more real. Also, I like that the prey was hunting commando. It makes the whole situation embarrassing (em-bare-ass-ing) as well as frightening.

David Dent

Plum looks awesome- in flat colors! Though I think she'll look better once you add in the shadow layers from the canopy.


Oh I think so yes, it's going to give a lot more volume and depth to the whole thing :) It's not Plum though XD


Ohhhh, it's coming along really nicely! Love the feeling of struggle in this one. And how the huntress is trying to shoo the harpy away at first. It turns out birds are pretty good at swallowing things that appear 'too big', so I guess that extends to harpies too. xD I'm not sure about which version of the quiver I like better. Both versions look really nice, and I'm feeling indecisive right now soooo . . . I dunno. ;P


Non, dans Felarya tout ce qui est plus grand que toi est assez suspect XP