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The Halloween picture finished at least ! ( a little late I know ^^; )

Poor Menyssan she really can't catch a break with her hobby XD

I ended up redrawing the original pose of the WIP which was perhaps a little too static ? If you compare the two I think this one is a big improvement :3
Thanks to Asuroth for suggesting it :D



Vixsune (ThatSlyFox)

Those panties tho.....upon closer inspection...... ;D .... I noticed they A bit see through? Am I right ooor?


"Of course you realise, that now I have to kill you....."


Hehe, many is always the best! I wonder where that outfit falls on the demonic scale of lewdness . . . it does seem to cover a fair bit of skin. x3


"I'll surrender to your beauty. Just please don't use your magical belly warp beam on me." XD :D


fortunately it's Ashmet so she won't have to resort to such drastic actions XD


Soooo many things to say about this one! First off. Menyssan has to be my personal favorite out of your Succubus characters. Seeing her like this is pretty much fanservice for me. lol Second, I love how much she's blushing here, even without another succubus nearby. Until she notices Ashmet peeking and she goes white as a sheet. XD Finally, I know that I have stressed my attraction for female bellies before, but this one just really nails it for me. The gurgling, the round shape, the fact that her costume is teasingly exposing it... Seriously, if I was an inhabitant of Felarya (small or giant), I would so use that cute tummy of hers as a pillow! X3 Sorry about the long post. There was a lot to say about this one! Keep up the good work! ^^


hehe I'm glad you liked it :D Honestly I had really a ton of fun making this one and I had a big grin plastered on my face most of the time XP


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