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Here are the finished sketches for this month raffle :)

-Aliakai Gauch wanted to see her character having inadvertently flown into Vivian's mouth with a startled look on Vivian's face. What could happens next I wonder XD

-Bask25456  requested an illustration of one of French snack's story, where  Joanna ends up in a pet shop,  and is sold to an Elf family, with her new owner an elf girl named Delayil. Fortunately for her, Delayil is sweet and caring  ^^

-Mae Adeline wanted to see her angel Mae drinks down what appears to be her favorite treats : mermaids X3

-And lastly Azurejass asked to see his character Oralia, looking annoyed at  books too small for her to read XD

( check the joint piece to see them in big ^^ )




Which French snack's story is this sketch based on? there is like a bumillion stories on French snack's deviantart page


It's this one : frenchsnack.deviantart.com/art/Story-120-part-3-433202491 ^^


I must say, this is a great variety: sexy vore, hilarious & sexy vore, hilariously cute dridder eye-strain, and the somewhat more somber and bittersweet reminder of Joanna and her separation from Milly and friends. Gread work on all of them! :D


I would love to see more of that pet scenario!


Definitely a very fun one heh- gotta love Oralia's 'little' dilemma hehe, and of course Vivian still somehow finding ways to hunt even lazier without even trying to be lazy, truly a great feat! Joanna's little scene is nice to see too- she may have been cut off from her life before now...but at least she's in a place where people do care for her.


I'm still quite mixed on Joanna's fate.. it's a bittersweet story ^^;