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One week into quarantine already.

I'm doing ok personally and I'm in good health so far. Life is a bit hard of course with many restrictions of movement and a system of fine if you're out of your home without a good reason. A couple of personal projects or plan I had had to be cancelled or reported .

At the start it was a bit messy but now people are organizing themselves at a remarkable pace. For instance my local supermarket has put into place a system where there can only be a certain number of people inside at a given time to avoid crowding the place and people who are queuing are all keeping an appropriate space between them.  There's also some heartwarming act of kindness going on all over the place ^^ 

Hopefully we're going to beat that thing soon.  I heard new cases across Italy are starting to decrease. Maybe a sign that the end of the tunnel is near for them. They have been under a very strict lockdown for much longer than us here.

Also lately some of you have been asking me if I was going to ever do some AV ( anal vore ).  Well personally I admit I'm not really into it at all ^^; But this is a thing several of you have been asking  for long and it's not among the things that I would feel downright uncomfortable to draw. And there's a couple of preds who could do that ( Chalyss, Merali or Black hole chan come to mind   ) So I guess the response is yes, I'll try a little sequence of it at some points  :3 

And lastly, thank you all of you for sticking with me in those times of uncertainties and chaos. Your support is more helpful than ever and means a ton to me. So a deep and very heartfelt "thank you "! You guys are the best  ^_^

I hope you all stay safe, you and and your families and relatives!



Glad your staying safe, everything been sorta crazy lately =\. And as for AV I'm super excited to see this from you, the question I have is will it include internals also, I know that can get messy (no pun intended) and get very uncomfortable with some people. I'm just curious about this, and I understand if you don't want to elaborate. What ever the case I'm super excited to see this, and all your future content!!! X3


I'm very glad to see you're doing okay and that you'll actually try to make some AV art! Your art is absolutely the best, and seeing that implemented into some of your works is just perfect in my opinion. Just as long as it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable to draw, thank you for listening to the request 😊 stay safe!

Mae Adeline

Glad youre safe and well. Hope it stays that way. Be safe and healthy. Hopefully you have enough TP.


Welp, I guess I'm going to have to bump up my subscription for at least a month once this comes out.


Happy to hear you're staying safe, and I'm excited to see some AV art from you! I just had one question on that, would you include any POV or internal shots? Still, I can't wait to see what you have in store.

John Doe

Stay safe, glad things are getting organized. Super excited to see AV in your style! The very idea is absolutely mind blowing for me!

Enigmatic Jester

Glad you're staying safe. I'm interested to see what you'll do with AV. Even though it's not usually my thing, I loved the insertion scene with Meralimexia hope we can see more like it with her and Chalyss someday. Something about them using some poor girl to get off while they eat her friends is just so appealing.

Memetic Hazard

Great to hear you're doing alright. Excited as hell for AV.


Glad everything is good on your side of the pond; Also super excited to hear you'll be attempting some AV at some point! Can't wait to see what you come up with!


You got this! Tho I'm not really excited for that av you mentioned but I would love another unbirthing.


Glad you're doing fine.


I fear you might be going the Eskoz route of trying to satisfy everyone, resulting in sporadic outputs of pieces that appeal only to a subcategory within a subcategory. It starts with anal, then some people want unbirth, others feet fetishism or butt crush and so on... I'm afraid this won't go very well. Best case scenario is that you expand into other niches and thus alienate your original fan-base. To be brutally frank, your output hasn't been very consistent the last few months. You've submitted very little compared to past years, especially when considering your revenue. This development threatens to become worst because even when you do release new stuff it could appeal only to some of us with those fetishistic tendencies. Hope you'll reconsider.

marius the mage

Hey Karbo, I hope that you are doing okay. We will all get through this covid19 thing together. Stay safe, be well! As to drawing what you don't enjoy; while there is nothing wrong with trying to appeal to specific fans' interests or requests, there is also nothing wrong with simply not being comfy with doing a particular genre or subgenera. This same experience happened to me once or twice with my writing. Keep making great work that you like. Odds are that most of us will like it also. That's why we support you, man.


Only in the vore community do you see a heartwarming post about a global pandemic followed by a nuanced discussion of someone sticking someone else up their butt.


There's nothing wrong with dipping your toes into other sub-categories. IMO Karbo should remain vore focused, but I'm happy they're trying new things too.


Pandemic Afoot, Karbo doing AV... What a time to be alive.


Glad you're doing ok, and so so so excited to see your AV!


*suddenly starts bugging Karbo about doing loli vore* ;) Garde la forme et tiens-toi occupé! Préférablement avec du bon vore bien gras : D


Anal vore ? Erf, pas du tout mon délire. Bon bah, je passerais mon tour pour une fois ^^' Sinon, force à toi, c'est compliqué pour tout le monde en ce moment.


Yeah its pretty neat to see some of the good in this mess. Been a thing adjusting to it and the rest of the semester is going to be...interesting but hopefully we can manage to knock this thing down and get back to life as normal soon as possible. As for AV, I'd be up for it but only if you're feelin it. Thinking about that with melany or black hole chan is an...intriguing prospect :d

Dural Goon

Global pandemic and Karbo intends to create something related with butt-stuff? The world has gone mad, I tells ya! :D The Meralimexia sequence was a Godlike comic and the part involving the insertion of that tiny was more than anyone could have hoped for. Really excited to see AV! :)


You think a giantess about the Corona virus could be born?


sorry if this is pushing it, but , could there maybe also be a fart with the AV? ( im sorry for asking)

Darkstorm Zero

Chalys and Merali seem perfect for this role


That's some naughty stuff right there. Then again, Chalyss is naughty girl as well...


Glad to hear everything is still more-or-less alright on your end, at least considering the circumstances. It's been a really stressful few weeks for pretty much everyone in the world, which is a strange thought. Best wishes to you and your friends/family: stay safe, stay inside and wash those hands. ^_^


haha c'est pas trop le mien non plus mais si c'est juste pour une fois ^^ Et merci, à toi aussi, on vit dans une période assez folle, incroyablement incertaine et chaotique... : /


Relieved to hear you're doing well ;-) . Hope the same goes to all you nice people around here too °__^ . As for AV I'm usually not that much into it myself ^^; but if we're talking Chalyss (or maybe even Melany ? ) doing naughty stuff like that then I'd be so up for it :3 . EDIT: On a side note it seems the Felarya wiki has been down for a few days :(


Glad to hear you're doing alright, all things considered. The "social distancing" seems to be the standard. Hopefully you're right about us coming out the end of this, I've been feeling similarly. Anal in general has never quite been my bag, although I have been a fan of the insertion that you have done. Whatever of the sort that you choose to do (especially of the black-hole chan/small harpy category) will surely be staggering. Stay safe and stay clean, Karbo!


Ah yes I know it seems there is a problem on the operator's end. I'm looking into that to try and have it sorted as soon as possible ^^


So anal vore isn't necessarily my thing (it depends, I guess. It can be, but it's not my first choice) but I've always operated under the maxim that if the artist isn't comfortable with it, they shouldn't feel pressured to draw it. If you don't like it, you shouldn't draw it on our account.


It's now up again, it was a problem on the provider's end ^^


Melany would be the best, please!


My vote would go to either Melany or Chalyss :D Or maybe even Déméchrelle!!! And I really can't wait to see some av from you, Karbo! I'm sure it's going to be absolutely amazing!