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A happy new year to you all!

My best wishes for 2019 to you guys. Despite the current troubles with Patreon I hope it will be a great year ;)



Happy New Year!!! Let's make 2019 a great year!


Bonne santé


Bonne année à toi aussi, frelot ! ^^ Bon, dans mon cas, j'ai passé mes derniers jours de l'année dans un lit d'hôpital, mais je suis sorti pile pour le réveillon, donc j'espère que le début de l'année se passera mieux. ^^


Bonne année, Karbo !


Have a great new year, all!

Jenny Secret

Happy New Year, love ya~


Happy new year to you Karbo and all my fellow patrons! Keep up the good work!


Happy New year!


Happy new year to you as well. Glad to see you got your page back.


And a Happy, healthy and lucky new year to everyone around here and their loved ones too °__^ .


aie zut désolé d'entendre ça : / j'espère que tu te remettras vite


It is going to be a great year! I hope and pray that it will be great for you!


Happy new year be happy 😁


Too bad for all the other Patreon pages, though....because of their ridiculous discrimination-based reasoning, I am canceling all my other Patreon subscriptions. Patreon won’t care as they’re literally targeting the vore community for content reduction (because they believe we are sick due to their lack of understanding of the nature of the fetish), but I will be letting all the pages know why I am pulling their funding. I encourage others to do the same but also with the caveat that we are a small community and thus able to be discriminated against effectively and Patreon literally won’t care. Their apathy and this hollow sense of justice does not matter to me as the action I take is a moral one and doing any less would be a slight against my soul. “I don’t fight fascists because I think I’ll win, I fight fascists because they are fascists”. This is just the beginning, I fear...they will actively try to spin vore as rape-based fetish until serious legal action is taken AND THEYRE PROVEN CLEARLY DISCRIMINATORY (which they are) or until their lie is genuinely believed among the majority who hates us anyway. We have a long fight ahead...and Patreon and their spin are not our friends. We need to go elsewhere.


Not to get political, but I find it kinda ironic that Patreon has been purging far right and conservative pages (which many would call fascist) and yet the company that is doing the purge, is from San Francisco California. The safe haven of liberalism and the SJW army... and yet they target us like we are sick, where is thier Inclusiveness , where is thier open mindedness? Just a thought.