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Phew the last day has been hectic ^^; I have received my new computer but it had troubleshootings, : sound drivers were disabled, and somehow it wasn't recognizing my tablet. Well it was recognizing it but for a mouse. It created various conflicts, my mouse even stopped working completely at a point and it escalated into the computer not managing to boot anymore and me having to reinstall windows o.o just after receiving the computer...

It seems the reinstall did the trick though and after a day and a half of tweaking, migrating files and installing I think everything is in order. And wow I can already tell the enormous difference with my old Imac. I'm opening PSD files almost instantly, it's crazy XD

And it's going to allow me to work on very voluminous files without having to compromise the sightliest on the size. perfect for comic pages ! ;3



Whoop whoop! Cheers to advancements in technology! Can wait to get my hands on a wacom cintq !! Had to update my own pc before hand but soon! She will be mine 🤤


Let me be the first to say gratz! You earned it. I'm excited for you! The thrill of a new pc is always so good, and I can't wait to see how it helps you with your work.


New computers are always fun aren't they? Congratulations on it. Just curious, custom build or prefab. Always like to hear what people got.


The specs, the specs... !!!


Does this mean that we'll be looking forward to 3440x1440 Crisis wallpaper? My body is ready!

Minamoto Terumi

Oh yay new computer!! Now you can play all sortsa neat games! ... I guess you could also use it for work. As a secondary thing.


Why do I get the feeling that 'very voluminous files' is just code for how well-endowed all of the girls are?

David Dent

Yeah you would think tech would get less buggy in our generation but actually I heard a story the other day of how my sis disabled her own phone's ability to use background wi-fi for free. ^^; Has made me want to cling to my out of date phone more and more. My own laptop still can't open its app store even in a wi-fi rich zone so you're doing better than me! XD Still I know the need to handle lots of files. Tis why I got a Terrabyte Drive and so far it hasn't been filled to half capacity yet even with all the stuff I need to make games multiplying exponitionally everyday! ^^;


Happy to hear that you sorted out all the annoying problems and can now enjoy your new computer in its full glory :-) . Hope it makes the process of creating amazing pictures and playing demanding games a lot easier/better for you °__^.


Tu l'as acheté ou finalement ta tour?


Let's goooooooo!


It's been hectic as hell for me too, I had to switch payment methods, but Patreon was confusing me. So, I became and un-became people's patron a few times over. The frustration caused me to make obvious mistakes and now my pledges list thing is reset from supporting you (and a few others) for "years" to supporting for "minutes", bah!


Good luck with the new computer though, I know what a pain it is to deal with changing to a new computer and getting things set up and acting and looking the way you want!


I know what you mean yeah ^^; products are more and more flashy but quality tend to decrease, it's very visible for wacom products for example : /


It's a custom build but assembled by the vendor ^^