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Recently I had the privilege of working with Madi Winger and the Mysterious M for my Supernova Series. 

This is a DOUBLE DEBUT FEATURE containing brand new photos (and a couple that were shared previously).

As the header, we have a gorgeous cloaked figure. I think I might print this one and hang it on my wall. I should probably play with fabric more in my Photography. I love what you can do with it.

Madi is making wonderful eye contact here, and her expression says so much.

M's is tall and gorgeous, don't you think?

Forget the Ouija board, Madi has all of the answers right in front of her.

I love doing landscape paintings, and this one in particular features neon stars. 

Call 911, we have a Rockstar emergency! Because that's what Madi has become in these photos. 

Choose your own adventure!

Bold and in charge, Madi is ready for anything.

Clothing doesn't have to be conventional, nor does art! 

Break a few rules, and have fun out there!

Life is too short to do otherwise. <3 Hope you found this post enjoyable and interesting! Please look forward to one more post today, featuring Two of Wands. 





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