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I've gotten a few requests to feature myself on here more! You got it, and to start things off, I've compiled a MEGA POST featuring me over the years. This took me about 4 hours to sort and write, so please know that it's a very photo dense Patreon post!  

I'm also taking new photos soon, but I was distracted getting the studio ready for tomorrow. Because some of these photos are pretty old, I can't promise these are chronologically correct, but it's close enough. 

This post will feature some nudity (both creative and not). 

| P A S T / L I V E S |

I thought I'd start things off by going way, way back.

Then we'll fast forward to High School. I have lots of stories about my experiences during then, including running away at 16 to take care of myself. I thought I could do a better job than my biological family, and I was right.

This was taken at age 18. I don't have a lot of photos from this period unfortunately. I was still trying to figure myself out, and had long black hair. I ended up cutting it off, and dying it blonde, because people thought I was MUCH hotter.

We'll call this section "Brandon meets the Internet". I didn't own a computer until I was 20, but as soon as I had one, I took LOTS of photos. Part of it was me exploring my body, and connecting with my sexuality, and part of it was wanting to share with others. This was the hardest era to sort through because my lack of digital organization back then. 

Ok I'll admit I was pretty cute as a blonde, but I def prefer teal hair now!

My hips didn't lie.

I'm much taller if you pick me up!

The 35mm camera did a better job of capturing me, but imagine taking some of this to Walgreen to develop. The judgmental looks I'd get! Thankfully we have digital everything now.

Miss this guitar sometimes.

Music was a passion of mine from early on. I worked on an album for years, including being a DJ for a Homme Lounge, Forbidden, Rogue Bar, and a handful of house parties. This led to me eventually exploring the Rave community. Yes, I had those giant pants. 

Besides music, I also explored editing photos, and often used myself as a model. These skills later helped me when I started to photograph others. There were signs of early potential, and I absolutely got much better pretty quickly. 

My first self body painting actually! Way back then!

It was around this time I also started to explore my gender, which was met with mixed reaction. I've always been pretty androgynous though, and currently identify as gender fluid. I prefer they/Them, though I will answer to He/Him and She/Her. Now you know (if you didn't already)!

It was at this time I was dating someone named Spenser who didn't really appreciate this side of me. "Why do you wear makeup? You don't need it" he would say. 

After a year and a half, we broke up, and I started to date a lovely fellow named Luke. We both had Radiohead themed screen names, started talking on XY.com, and met up at a gay bar called "BOOM". 

Luke and I became very close, very quickly, and continued to date for 5 years. He was a true gentlemen, was very respectful and kind, and always made me smile. This last photo was our first Pride together!

So yeah! He's was a big deal in my life, and was pretty supportive of my creativity. I did my first canvas paintings during our relationship. 

That moment where you are like what WAS I doing with my life back then? Oh right! Lots of World of Warcraft, road trips, and some pretty great memories! :)

Yeah yeah yeah, I'm a sucker for White Mages. I've always loved playing healing or magic classes in games.

Luke also didn't mind that I took lots of nude photos of myself, and would join me in the fun from time to time. For the purposes of this post, I'll just be focusing on me though! Like the one and only time I explored "Yarn Play". My kinks were pretty mild apparently. ;p

Behind the scenes...followed by the shot

I loved this photo for many years, as well as the next one:

I started to become more confident with my body, which was something I had been working on for years. I have always been skinny, and unfortunately it was used to bully me. Everyone would tell me to eat, and I was physically abused by classmates for years. Combined with a catastrophically toxic household, I had no choice but to leave. Besides... I've always been a strong person. Even if I was forged in the fire. 

Ready for something shocking? So far we've mostly explored 2000-2003. Only the last few photos have been from 2004. And apparently quite a bit happened (I have a ton of photos), and I had a lot of hair styles. 

Because this post is already MASSIVE, I think we should break this up into multiple parts. Plus I've been working on this for three hours now. 

It's also tricky, because the really fun photos all have lots and lots of erections, and this is not Only Fans. And even OnlyFans is banning that! This isn't me advertising them, just one of those funny mental notes. For not sharing my nudes very often, I sure do take a lot of them.

Of course these days, people tell me I don't post enough photos! I think when I started to paint others, the focus shifted away from me. On the bright side, it's been really fun looking at all of these pictures again. Many I haven't seen in literally y e a r s. 

Oh hey, lets go on a picture streak! Surprising hair styles, and maybe a few sexy ones since you've gotten this far!? I hope you've enjoyed the ride. 

No way. this photo is from the beginning of 2004?! I don't remember my hair swooping like this. How fun. <3

Same haircut, but a very different perspective. ;p It's all about those angles.

I also started to figure out lighting very early on. 

Less glamorous behind the scenes, as I clicked the mouse. 

I was such a pretty thing back then. I'm so glad I followed Moira Rose's advice on Schitt's Creek. I took an incredible number of photos! I discovered very quickly that I remembered things much easier if I took a picture, so I started to chronicle everything.

Plus I'm still pissed that I'm missing
years of my life in photos. Basically I don't exist from 13-17.

So I hope this encourages you to take more naked photos of yourself!

Maybe a cute selfie in the mirror?

I just noticed how strong my back looks!

Holy cow, I was ripped! Also this is me afterward in the tub!

Some day I'd love to own a home with a garden tub. I'm really tall, so it's funny watching me try to fit in tubs.


Same hair, different style, and a splash of makeup below.

I go through periods of growing my hair out and cutting it again. :P

After going through the photos the last few hours, 2005 is actually a great year to end with. Plus I have a pretty cute butt, if we're being honest.

I'm heading to bed, waking up, and then painting myself as the Magician!

And of course, thank you for your support! This is the most I've shared of myself in a LONG time. 

Love and Magic,


P.S. Part 2 is going to be a real cute! It was during the Myspace Era.



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