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In a rare, never before seen move, I'm going to ask YOU what photo you would like me to include in the Tarot deck. Seriously. Before I edit it. Right now. In no particular order:

Number One

Number Two

Number Three

Number Four

This special card stars Blayde Loving, Bennett Wood, and Best Tardy. 

First some context, according to Biddy Tarot, the Five of Pentacles can mean:

UPRIGHT: Financial loss, poverty, lack mindset, isolation, worry.

REVERSED: Recovery from financial loss, spiritual poverty.

Yeesh! Ok so not the happiest card. It's important to represent every card though. Even the darker ones! The Tarot Guide goes into more detail here:

Can't wait to see what you pick!



Jason Tamez

I like number three, the way both are clutching at the central figure. All three people are acting or reacting.


This session was sponsored by Paul! Thank you!


Number 4


Anyone of them would make a wonderful tarrot card, but I would say I think #3 is the one to choose. Exceptional work from everyone involved in this work of art.


j'aime beaucoup la n° 4 , merci pour ton envoie bien reçu. je cherche ou le coller.


I vote for number 3, but number 1 is good as well / je préfère le numéro 3, mais le 1 est pas mal non plus ... merci


I think that 4 is my favourite, but 1 is also great. The pwoer dynamic between the central figure and the two masked figures is reversed between 1 and 4, so to an extent it depends on how you want the central figure to be perceived.


Three has real interaction among the models. Obviously a flip of #1 but lighting more appropriate for subject. Two & four are static.

Matt Kulisch

I agree with James! It's between 1 and 4 for me, too. And I think the tones in #4 just barely win out...


Personally, I think #2 fits the description of the card, But For appearances I prefer #4.