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Summer ends officially on 09/22/2020. This year was a weird one, but I'd love to know what is the most interesting thing you did this Summer?

While you think of an answer check out Brandon Spear basking in the glow.

If you didn't do anything spectacular, that's OK too. I hope this art makes up for it! I love anything with cool colors. and I'm pairing it with golden tones here.

Let's say farewell to Summer with beautiful body art! Thank you for supporting my art. <3






Lovely, dreamy work. Like especially the soft diffuse light in the final image. Hope you &amp; Best continue to be well 💕

Jason Tamez

I drove nine hours to a small beach town for a couple of days. Got a patchy but non-painful sunburn due spray-on sunblock not working well against a strong sea breeze. Not many people around, so I never felt COVID-concerned. I stopped for a couple days in Austin, which was less fun. I did some zipping around on electric scooters, but it was just too hot and humid to enjoy. Still, it was nice to get the hell away for a while!


Worked a seasonal position in a new state. Wasn't sure what to expect during these times, but was humbled that we were able to create action plans around COVID-19 measures keeping ourselves and participants safe.


We live in a small community with many people who have problems getting out and have little or no family. Every day around noon, I take Buddy, my Beagle/lab mix pup out for. a walk. With Covid, they are more closed off than usual. So Buddy and I go by their homes and he goes up to them and lets them pet him for a while. It brings a smile to them and also checks on them without being intrusive. And Buddy loves the attention. Even the kids love him. So, now we have a daily job to do. Buddy looks forward to it every day now.