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Who should I interview in December? Let me know below! Those that are in the 11.11 and above Tier have the option of sending me interview questions!  Thanks friends!



I adore all of these people, but after telling Devon he was in the lead so far he responded with "Oh My" and that he was open to being interviewed. <3 Keep those votes coming friends!


All four are great guys and anyone could be an interesting interview.. specially if you interview them while you are doing another painting on the winner.


I agree, unfortunately Devon moved to Seattle! We still talk weekly though. Hoping to be able to get up there again next year to paint/photograph him again.

Green TreeMan

They all bring out some of the finest in your art. I am having trouble matching the models with the names. Both the one in the red and the one with the pixie ears look interesting. Are the choice blocks in the order of the pictures. The SaveAs titles do not match the order. I would say interview the one who has helped you personally the most. Sometimes you seem depressed. I bet one helped you rebound once.