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"Me, a Star Wars fan? ...Nah!"
Also me:

Hey guys! How are you all doing? Ninja Vader here. Just wanted to let you know I will now switch to the pic that turned out winner of the poll: Stranger Things! Congrats to those who voted for that theme! And those who didn't, remember I will still work on the other candidates eventually.
So, I'll circle back to Sands of Damnation to wrap up this month's update closer to the 5th.
May the force be with you! ;)




Ninja was Darth Vader all along... That explains everything!


Yeah im looking forward to this. Any news on the book? Will you be adding more or releasing the books anytime soon


Yes, I will start with the creation of the book and the exclusive content that there will be in it next month. I'll keep you posted. :)