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Will you dare to enter the jungle?
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Hey guys! How are you all doing?
First of all, thank you all for your votes and suggestions in the last polls!
Some results were suprising, like the fact that vore isn't the unchallenged winner of the categories section anymore. (Still very popular)
So many of you kept asking for the long overdue Ruby from Jumanji and mentioned the fact that she could respawn when she dies like in the movies, that got me thinking it would be fun to present the series as if it was a video game (it won't really be much of a game).
I would be creating the pics just like I always do, and giving them to you in both the image format and though this new "video game" interface with some interactivity. I mean, If you guys like the idea. This month you'll be getting that first "character selection" Ruby with the different outfits.
Meanwhile you can have fun changing her clothes and having a look from both sides.
There are tons of things that could be improved of course, but I didn't want to spend too much time in this, since it's after all, just the means to present the future pics.
So let me know your thoughts!



Super cool. I can't wait for more


That is actually a really creative way to present it. Jumanji also has all sorts of perils to use as well.


Holy shit, this is so cool!!!

Ronnie R15

Not what I expected, but I'm interested in seeing where this goes.


After princess quest, i feel like you got a ruby game going...


Love it


yes, yes, yes, I love this idea!


Love the game design, and if she’s going to get swallowed at some point, I’m definitely on board!!!


Like this idea! Brings me back to the days of the old flash dress-up games, but drawn much better. Look forward to more for this! As for the polls, I’m one that’s here despite the vore. I actively dislike it, but your other pieces are great and more than worth backing you for. It was your HP works that caught my attention, and you’ve kept me hooked. That princess piece you did recently was spectacular. <3


YESS! At long last!


Great idea Ninja! Ruby looking fine gotta say!

Ludwig Bonte

What an awesome design/idea!


Ruby is nice, looks interesting


Oh, super excited to see how this format will evolve! You should link it to your site too!


Yep I'm another not into the vore but the art style is so good, it always leaves me a bit conflicted, but I keep on backing. If it was only vore I'd probably be out of here.


This is awesome! Would love to see more like this


I'm aroused and intrigued 😏


Option for no boots please! I needs dem cute lady feets =D Really cool idea going here. Sexy outfit choices, I would be interested to see the sexy perils in store for her.


This is an epic idea! The possibilities are amazing. Are you thinking of turning this into a storyboarded game? You could have some really interesting "fail states".




Also asking a lot, but you are always the best with fluids Ninja. I wonder if we could have a wet or cum-shot version of this at some point :D

Farlun Ceyric

Link not working, sounds great on paper :<


HTTPS doesn't seem to work, so I'd make sure you're looking at http://


It's just the character selection screen at the moment it seems, but to be honest even that looks great so far. :)


I love the idea, but as a phone user it's really awkward. Especially as I love viewing your images in portrait.


Oh, thats neat! If its a high resolution, would be cool to see things in this sort of way, jump to specific scenes, adjust clothing per view, and have a bit of audio ambiance to go along with it, was nice there on this character screen.


Bro.. home run of an idea. Never done, perfect situation, so many options! Ruby is in for a real loooong game with us followers lol.


could you share the poll results for those that are not a higher tier? (out of curiosity)


Hello Ninjartist, it's a good idea that your had for Ruby. It will be possible to see the results of the votes and I love the drawings that you make are so amazing and very well done and I can't wait to have more masterpieces.


This looks very good already! I love this idea.

Thomas Toft

This is a great idea! Very fun! Can't wait to see what more you do with this!

Thy Doctor

love it and I'm very excited to see how this progresses :)


Looks intresting and fun with this interactive game look. Would like to see more of this.

Mr Stealth

Thats a excellent idea. Could maybe see it developing as a choose your own path type game. All leading to various situations for Ruby to experience.


Interested to see what can be done with this. You could have button prompts like a controller (A, B, X, Y, etc) on the screen with text descriptions for Ruby to do that branch out to different scenes and outcomes. Maybe subtitles on the bottom, Ruby narrating the story from her point of view

Art appreciator

Nice looking character selection screen and an interesting idea overall. I wonder if you'd be interested in providing Ruby (or your other characters) with alternative expressions as you did her clothes. For example, canonical expression vs forced vs clearly enjoying.


There will be a series of images like with any of my other works, consider this just an alternative way of watching them.


Oh man, that sounds awesome! Pseudo-interactive art is always fun.


Have you been able to see it? It would seem others had no problem with it.


Good idea, I actually thought of making this a subdomain of my site, but later realised I could just have a new domain for interactive works like this and if you guys like it make more in the future. After all, there are many games that could get this treatment like Tomb Raider, Residen Evil, or even other franchises turn into a sort of game-like experience.


While a good idea in theory I feel the need to speak up once more as an extreme minority in the audience. This, added to the Star Wars story plus all the over series going on feels like Ninja is very quickly going to blow himself out. That or he knows exactly what he's doing and plans to use this as another way to stall series from ending. For example, Tomb Raider and Harry Potter haven't been updated in a month. Elizabeth longer that that. I think he mentioned more Ariel too and that's been even longer. Quite honestly, while Sarah and Chell are nice, I don't really care for all this fluff while other series are waiting. So while I'm curious to see how this plays out, I truly don't feel like waiting around for another several months before one of the potential storylines comes to fruition. Good luck to you, Ninja. Unfortunately, I think I'm out for now.


Yes, I forgot to mention, it's better viewed on a computer I suppose. You can still navigate it on a phone since I made it responsive but not ideal. Sorry.


I understand your point Dash, and I'll also understand if you choose to interrupt your subscription if you are just interested in those three series. What I can tell you is that I'm not trying to stall series from ending. In fact, they usually end up being longer than I'd like. However, I do feel that whether the majority of you like Harry Potter stuff and others, if I would just stick to 3-4 series from start to finish, I'd still have about 10 months of the same 3-4 theme's content and I can see that becoming really boring realy fast, for you and for me. So I try to keep some variety. And also I'm anticipating that both Truth or Snare and Tomb Raider series are about to come to an end, so that's why I'm introducing new stuff. Also just take a look at the last polls. Although my current serie's themes got the most votes, they are also the themes I've done the most of, while little or nothing of the other -still quite voted- themes. This Jumanji theme got lots of votes in the last poll, and yet I'm only now doing something of it, while I've never stopped doing HP, SW, Tomb Raider, Disney, etc

George Baxter

Love this game idea so much! Karen Gillan is so hot and I am desperate to know what she's wearing under those short shorts! I'd like to see her other outfit from the second film and different expression options. Beyond that it would be amazing to get a few chose your own kink scenarios! Please continue this, and thank you


Nice idea :) Would really like to see this pseudo-game interface with the HP girls :)) Like a pseudo-Dumbledore's Army training tutorial in the Room of Requirement or something like that

Reaper One Six

I like to see a fully functional game of Karen Gillian.


Love the Ruby model. Looks like a really cool idea. Looking forward to seeing where you go with it.


If you are gonna branch this into multiple choices, theres also possibilities for different categories to keep in mind and have something for everybody since not everyone is into the same thing. Octopus encounter for tentacles, a Ruby flirting / seduction scene like in the movie with sexy poses and expressions (strip dance instead of dance fighting) that leads to a gangbang or bondage, etc. Jumanji is a video game so not everything has to be realistic.


I could DEFINITELY see this as a very simple 'choose-your-own-adventure' kind of game. That would be amazing!


Awesome concept! I would have loved to remove the shoes too otherwise great start!


This Jumanji Idea is the soul reason I became a patreon :) Looking forward to it . Im abit new to this though . :)