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My dearest, most beloved, and WONDERFUL Psych-O's!  My very super-est & very SEXIEST P-Sy-Cho Rejactamundos!!  We are here at last!!!  The final frontier before we all commune in the like-anticipation of the Here & Now, humbly awaiting Psych 4 (along with whatever odds & ends might lie between then & now).  Thank you ALL for making this such a special, joyous, and unforgettable experience.  I cannot express how grateful I am to have been able to share this with all of you - one of the most delightful & unexpected experiences in all my time with Reel Rejects.  All the love for now and, as always... C'MON SON!!!!

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS: https://vimeo.com/903130477/61e6886b29

WATCH ALONG Link: https://youtu.be/xcPYH1LzXS4

Episode Synopsis: In preparation for a shotgun wedding before the birth of Baby Guster, Shawn and Groomzilla Gus go rogue in an attempt to track down Selene's estranged husband, as Lassiter grapples with the future of his career...


More PSYCH Reactions:

Season 1 & 2 Gag Reels: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-seasons-1-53508922

Season 3 & 4 Gag Reels: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-seasons-3-83060508

Season 5 & 6 Gag Reels: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-seasons-5-83415005

Season 7 Gag Reel: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-season-7-84133809

Season 8 Gag Reel + Odds 'n Ends Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psych-road-to-y-85237429


Psych 3: This is Gus - WATCH ALONG (Complete)



Awwwwwww yeeeeeaaaaaah 😎 John! Bud! I can only imagine the hours you clocked putting this together and I just want to say a sincere thank you. And of course, thank you for every moment you spent responding to our comments along this journey. It was a personal touch that truly means more than you know 🖤 Ok, first...the title of this reaction is incredible. Mad kudos to you on that👏🏼 Second, your shirt rocks and you putting the mic to your shirt for the awwwwww yeeeeeaaaaah made me giggle and I just wanted you to know that 😄 Now, I simply get too excited with Psych and could basically write a novel on each of the movies. I spared you my thoughts on the first two movies because I knew I would get out of hand 😄 So I'm just gonna say a few things. Like all of Psych for me, this movie gets better with every rewatch. I always catch something new. Like this time it was the random nonsense of Shawn saying pull instead of push during the birth scene. I literally bursted out laughing. In all the chaos of that scene I just never seemed to catch that 😆 And damn the Lassie moments always move me every time. Of course the Shawn and Gus duo are chaotic and wonderful as ever. I love the bathroom scene and their scene with the disguises. Puppet Lester is absolutley hilarious to me. His side eye and the way the camera focuses on him is just the best 😂 And their first scene always makes me want an "empanadarito" 😄 And Jules is just adorable. I love her genuine enthusiasm to be a godparent and the way she says Selene is part of the family is just the best. I hope they only keep developing their relationship more. I could still go on but I wont haha. I just wanted to say that Psych is so special and you're so special and oh my I'm just so glad you got to experience all of it! It was truly lovely to see this journey of a Psych-o in the making 🥰 🍍 Oh and nice job keepin your pinap game strong!🍍 I guess all thats left to say is now you get to share in the collective agony as we anticipate and wait for the fourth movie 🎶suck iiiiiiiiiiit🎶 😉 Much love to ya wonderful, witty and whimsical John!🤘🏼🖤

Ryan Towell

I don't know why I missed it the first time I watched this, but the whole "aha" thing in the water tower again just brilliant writing. After the do the "hands in on 3" the camera goes to the plan board and shows the sketches that Shawn and Gus drew up w/ their plan. but those shown in that camara cut are mainly of shawn that actually resemble Morten Harket (singer of A-ha), like from the take on me music video.