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We've made it to the REBOOT!!  Feels like we started this journey ages ago & yet somehow we're only ONE more away from Saw X.  Where would y'all rank this one??

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Neil Todd

Just to point out they never said he didn't have cancer. New Jigsaw guy just accidentally mixed John's Xrays up with a different patient when he was trying to figure out what he had. IE John went to the doctor and a doctor had xrays and was like well nothing wrong with your brain, while another person got an Xray of John's brain tumor. So basically if the guy hadn't mixed up the Xrays then John's tumor would have been found sooner and possibly had been operable. They actually explained this twice but you guys just happened to have been making a joke both times, which is understandable since its what you are being paid to do but you did miss it twice so that one is on you.

Neil Todd

Although it was a shyt movie so you aren't wrong it was bad.

Elizabeth Hatfield

"first saw movie with no flashbacks" right before it is revealed that literally half of the movie has been a flashback. BTW anytime you see John Kramer after 3/4 it is a flashback. He is dead and will always be dead.