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Back to the main plot for another fascinating season 12 installment...  join us for the funnnnn!

"There's Something About Mary"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/872179517/b616982fe2

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/BECjVYmVD88


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 12x21 WATCHALONG


Amye Sabin

This was a bad episode IMO. In hindsight S12 is better than I initially thought, but still not as good as S11, 13, 14. First, HOW does the polaris work with Lucifer's vessel & Crowley? It doesn't make sense. Second, that last scene was soooo cheesy and unnecessary. Third, killing off Eileen? BS. Fourth, if you think that wirework w/Crowley was bad, just wait. There is a scene in a future episode that is hysterical, but it's not meant to be. Even the show acknowledged immediately that it didn't know how to do wirework and the scene is bad.

Nicola O'Neill

Yeah, its not a good episode. Season 12 is strange in that it often feels like they have too much story to get through in an episode and so take short cut decisions that jar with the characters (or as in this episode make zero sense at all) but then they also have loads of filler episodes in the season that easily could have been cut. I do genuinely like the final two episodes though, they feel to me like they get themselves back on track. Hopefully you can enjoy them without too much baggage from the last few.