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Very curious to hear how y'all are feeling heading into the final episode next week - can't say this was the best of the season, but it DOES feature some top-notch stuntwork and some really great acting.  Fingers crossed we can end off on a high note!!

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Secret Invasion Ep 5 - WATCH ALONG!!


Lorenzo Baxter

Okay so here's the thing. I have actually really liked this show. Maybe the last two episodes have dipped slightly (but I think mainly it's because of how short they were) but overall... I have liked every episode of the show. There hasn't been a moment where I fully disliked an episode, or even a scene. I've enjoyed the content the show has given me. The thing I need now.... is just for the finale to land 😅 That's literally all I want. If the finale lands, this show will be one of the best of the batch in my eyes. It's gotta be chunky, near and hour long, and maybe one thing specifically I need is to see Gravik show Fury how angry and hurt he actually was by his failure to help the Skrulls. I want to see that rage and where it came from. Cause we haven't had much interaction between them and it seems like they are both at the center of it. Maybe one other critique is like you said Greg, I needed more Talos and G'iah interaction so it feels more real. I feel like the problem might just be budget? I'm not fully sure but yeah it feels like it falls off somewhere and there's gotta be a reason for that that isn't just "people got lazy" 🤣 So that's Maybe my guess is that they fired on all cylinders at the start but in the middle and for the setup for the end is sagged. I just really hope they land the last episode! Like, I'll gladly give so much leniency if next week can just make it work lol. This has been a fun ride though, and I hope we can keep this strong streak up for the future of the MCU! See you guys next week! 🙌

Jordan Malloy

It's a decent show so far. It's not worth the reported $200+ million budget though. There's so much going on, and I don't think 6 episodes is enough for the story they're trying to tell. It's been said a lot on the interwebs, but it just feels like something that could've been on Agents of SHIELD; just with more money and less substance.

Flev Dorin

Look, I really like the show so far, and to put into persepctive, my fave MCU-D+ show is "Hawkeye" (not saying it's "the best" just my personal enjoyment), and that's because it had this fun underground feeling and also , I really like Jeremy Rener & Hailee Steinfeld, so that was fun for me to watch, and for all of those reasons I like Secret Invasion, the underground feeling, Samuel L. Jackson, Emilia Clarke. Now this particular ep, I honestly don't know, I analyse more the entire season as it goes, and not single eps per se, but it all boils down on the finale, if they can stick the landing I'm gonna be happy! Cause there are a few shows that I really liked like Game of Thrones & Ozark, that really fucked up at the end and almost ruined the entire show for me. Also, I might of not got emotional for this ep, but after you reminded me of the Pokemon Movie scene, that really hit me.

Heather Geer

I just need Olivia Colman to be in everything.