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SPN takes a fascinating turn into jailbreak / survival thriller territory...  like an interesting sort of film-within-a-film interlude.. VERY excited to hear y'all's thoughts on this one!

"First Blood"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/845568415/7fff1060f3

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/_JKj-wlG4qE


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 12x9 - WATCH ALONG


Flev Dorin

I actually forgot about this ep., it was a real surprise to me too. Despite its many, many flaws, I thought it was fun! It looked like they tried to do a low budget prison movie or Prison Break season in one 42m ep. I understand the argument of the BMoL, they portray them to be cooperative but like we saw at the end of the ep, and even at the beginning of the season when Catch killed that warewolfe girl Sam & Dean let go,👀 and also we are suppose to stand with our boys so there's that. I was the same like you John about Titanic, never fully saw it, just in pieces on TV....until the 25th anniversary re-release from this year, when I was able to see it on the big screen, and...man I bawled my eyes out by the end!😭 Like that movie it's an experience! Didn't had any nostalgia for the movie, or wasn't a big DiCaprio or Winslet fan, but man that movie got me invested into Jack & Rose.


The reason for the "Road So Far" was because this was a mid - season premiere. The show had been on hiatus for 2 months