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Aloha! Been receiving comments and messages about what happened to the supernatural & doc who reactions over weekend -

I did put out a video explaining that I was out of town & we are getting a proper schedule back in order because it’s been wayyyy out of whack since all the extra coverage we had to do in December, but I know a lot of people didnt listen to that vid so just another reminder:

As we are getting the schedule back in proper order this week, Doc Who & SPN will continue this weekend. As we start up Superman & Lois this week and with Cobra Kai & Witcher wrapped, we’ll be back on regular upload schedule for Patreon this week.

Apologies for missing last weekend.



We love you Greg💜


Idk how you guys cover so much tbh. Totally fine to miss a week 👍


Things happen & really appreciate how much effort goes into the content ye produce. Also I’m ridiculously happy ye are reacting to Superman and Lois, loved the season 1 reactions.

Christopher simeon

Just terrible guys. After years of being on your patreon and watching video after video i can not believe you have not realized that we are all a blind. You can not tell us in a very clear video and expect us to watch. Very unprofessional.

William Tanner

I’ll be honest I also messaged about this. I don’t watch every video just the reactions I like and the community posts so I was unaware although I did look in social media etc to see if you guys said anything but didn’t so sorry I asked but I didn’t know until I saw this. Y’all do a lot I’m okay with missing weeks every now and then for you sanity lol thanks for everything!