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"The Angels Take Manhattan"   --  aka The one we were DEFINITELY not prepared for... 😅🥺

- Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/653451426/eb0fcea3fd


Episode Synopsis:

After Rory has an encounter with a Weeping Angel, The Doctor and Amy travel to 1930's New York to save him, but they soon discover that the weeping angels have taken over Manhattan, and soon, maybe, the world...


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Coming to this video pretty late, but the "angels sending people back in time thing" was established all the way back in their first episode, but then got dropped from their next appearance. I blame Moffat for the confusion there, as the two parter with Amy and River Song from season 5 had angels simply killing people, stripping them of their (imo) most interesting gimmick

Dani C

The hotel trap no longer exists - that was one stray surviving angel in the graveyard

marc leech

that's the only time my whole family have blubbed together, we knew this was the last episode of theirs when it first aired but didnt prepare us

Mary Coelho

If you go back, they hint at their exit/death quite a bit, but its easier to notice on a re-watch. Also, they talk about and emphasize how dangerous and deadly traveling with the doctor so I actually appreciate the choice to show the extremes of the consequences the doctor was afraid of by them dying while traveling with him. That being said, I agree with your criticism of how they went about it. I can see by watching the trajectory of your reactions why it seems out of place or just surprising since Amy and Rory are always on the brink of death or literally dying but then are fine a second later so often. Overall, they should have had more awareness of that so that it wouldn't be distracting to try to figure out if they're actually dying this time.In terms of pacing, you might have more understanding of why they left at this point once you watch further into this season but I could be wrong. I do think you guys might like their farewell a bit more on a re-watch, when you already know its going to be their end.

Rudolph Koch

I've seen this episode so many times, and I still get chocked up everytime.

Henry from CO

"This is the story of Amelia Pond. And this is how it ends".

Jason Usher

great reaction, series 7 was the first series I watched as it aired so I was kind of expecting something big because this episode was the mid season finale but was still shocked at the ending, I personally like Amy and Rory's ending a lot but understand the people who do not. Cannot wait for the next reaction, It is my favorite special

Ani (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 02:56:41 Yea, I still agree with you guys on the fact that this is a pretty frustrating ending for Amy & Rory. The "Doctor not being able to ever meet up with them" is probably the most annoying plothole from Moffat era that I can think about – cus they could've just gone to a different town in a few years and Doctor could've come say hi without taking them with him! Like.... I'm annoyed. I know this is a "better" ending cus they still got to grow old but I kinda would've rather had them actually die... Maybe it's just me. Like the episode itself is okay, but as an ending when you compare it to the end of all the other characters I don't really vibe with it.
2022-05-26 16:53:27 Yea, I still agree with you guys on the fact that this is a pretty frustrating ending for Amy & Rory. The "Doctor not being able to ever meet up with them" is probably the most annoying plothole from Moffat era that I can think about – cus they could've just gone to a different town in a few years and Doctor could've come say hi without taking them with him! Like.... I'm annoyed. I know this is a "better" ending cus they still got to grow old but I kinda would've rather had them actually die... Maybe it's just me. Like the episode itself is okay, but as an ending when you compare it to the end of all the other characters I don't really vibe with it.

Yea, I still agree with you guys on the fact that this is a pretty frustrating ending for Amy & Rory. The "Doctor not being able to ever meet up with them" is probably the most annoying plothole from Moffat era that I can think about – cus they could've just gone to a different town in a few years and Doctor could've come say hi without taking them with him! Like.... I'm annoyed. I know this is a "better" ending cus they still got to grow old but I kinda would've rather had them actually die... Maybe it's just me. Like the episode itself is okay, but as an ending when you compare it to the end of all the other characters I don't really vibe with it.