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Believe me when I say it eats at us & we are very sorry!

When I say whatever contribution or level of support you show us at our Patreon means more than you realize, we mean it. Believe me. We've had a lot of momentum since the last half of 2020, and even though it has lead to mainly 9-10 hour days 6 to 7 days a week to keep delivering the content, trust me when I say we'd rather it be like this than how it was when we were struggling to get more eyes on The Reel Rejects. 

However, it has also lead to us just being significantly more delayed on responding to messages & comments in the last few months, not really doing live streams, and we don't ever want to be those people who hire someone to pretend to be us while replying, & well... we go more into the depth of the situation in this vid. 

It'd be easier to address it to you directly on camera than asking you to read a long thread. 





No apologies needed. I'm sure most people are happy to sacrifice a little fan interaction for the sake of the crazy amount of content you guys produce. Don't sweat it!


You guys are doing great :)


Y’all are awesome. No apologies needed. You do what you can do.

Cinema Guerrilla

busy is good!!! we will be here, kings, see if you can set up Yearly Payments too

Toasted Toad

You might not have time to reply, but do you read the comments on Patreon? Because if not it’s not really worth the time writing them.


We do :) And read a lot of the messages in our actual email previews

Sarah Campbell

We appreciate you! No worries.

Henry from CO

Kidding, one of my very favorite channels. Appreciate the update. Take care.


I am sure majority of patreon people understand that and are okay with it. Whats crazy for me , i had no idea you had 4 editors and you both put in the work and still seem overwhelmed with the amount of work, God damn

Robert von Heeren

Well, of course I understand, but at least the first message of a new patreon should be replied to. You're video is a long excuse without a perspective when and how you would be able to catch up. My suggestion: focus on fewer content to be able to balance it out. This way it will get even worse. That's just my few cents on it.

alex day

Not trolling or anything, I think you’re being a little too critical (in my opinion) but I do agree the first message of a new patron would be cool to do and they can even use that to preface that they’ve been busy with all the other love and support they get and putting out more content, so they’ll respond next time as soon as time allows it and they are able to catch up

Flev Dorin

Well ofcourse I understand, can't say that I'm not a little frustrated about it, but I do understand, but at the very least I know that you read my messages as it happened with my last message, so I appreciate that! What can you do? I understand priorities, I myself try to do alot of things with my life, but have to prioritize some things over the others.


Greg & John, the majority of us completely understand why you guys can't reply. In my case, I know what it's like to have a busy life, so don't even worry about it. You guys continue to do you. If I'm honest, I've been Patreon of other creators, and you guys are by far the only ones consistently putting out content. Continue to a good job. One suggestion, though, prioritize your well-being, including mental health and personal lives. If you guys decide to cut back on content, prioritize yourselves. And remember, you'll never be able to please everyone. There will always be someone who has something to complain about. Anyway, take care & stay safe.


I'm new here, but I totally get it. And I'm so happy that you won't let someone else pretend to be you over here. Really appreciated! ❤️


No apologies needed. You guys are awesome and keeping busy! Love the videos!


The 4 editors is very new. We have 1 editor who helps out with the MAJOR shows for editing down the highlights, but I'm constantly working with him on it too. And the reviews, intros, thumbnails, handling the official upload, is always us. The other editor is a back up for some youtube videos. Recently hired two more to help with the highlights for some patreon shows. The process though still involves us being very much involved. We know of some other channels that have someone hired for the thumbnails, editing the highlights and the review, however, we're not at that point yet with any of the people I've recently started working with in the last couple months


You've communicated several times that you're overloaded and haven't been able to get to the messages. I trust that you two know what is best for your channel/Patreon and how to prioritize that. If a member is disappointed in the level of interaction becoming less, their feeling is valid. If they opt to spend their money elsewhere because of it then that is their choice. If you two are doing your best while still prioritizing your health (that's very important) then that's the end of the conversation. You're not obligated to push your already fatigued self any harder. 


I appreciate you saying no apologies needed - however - it does mean a lot to me to be able to interact with the people here. ESPECIALLY HERE. Like not getting around to comments on youtube is one thing, to me it's more important here because people are contributing their earnings our way to help support us so literally have spent the last couple hours figuring out a schedule / system to be able to get back to people more often


I appreciate that man. I haven't really looked much into the Yearly Payments yet, but that'd be neat! Not sure if anyone would actually sign up for that for us but it'd be cool haha


Hey Flev, appreciate your understanding. I actually haha. I just sent you a message back lol. Spent the last couple hours replying and figuring out a system to be more consistent


I know you just got a message from me Rosa but I appreciate you saying that. It's something that we have been trying to do. It's strange. Like when we're filming and making the content it's such a joy and cant believe we do this for a living. It's really like the last hour or two of the day when it's like "Oh my eyes and lower back hurt" lol


Well first off, thank you for being here! Appreciate your understanding and yeah - that just sounds so disingenuous to do that. I know others have resorted to that, which is fine if they'e okay with that, for me, I'm really not


Obviously I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I don't subscribe to people because I expect a dialogue. I subscribe because they put out content I enjoy, which y'all do in large quantity. And not only new things like movies and the Marvel tv stuff, but the more obscure/less current shows like Psych. Personally that's enough for me!


It's completely fine. I didn't join Patreon to talk to creators, I joined to watch content I enjoy, and I'm getting that. If I ever feel I urgently need to talk to anyone, I'll let you know, but I don't see that happening... Haha ;-P Kidding. Kinda... I actually mean that it doesn't bother me. You shouldn't be expected to communicate with every one of your Patrons that message you, as that'd probably take forever and wouldn't be fair. Do things at your own pace. :)

Justin H'oman

Its quite alright that you are behind. I don't mind that at all personally. Knowing you care enough to bring it up, matters more than you think. I'm sure the channel can bring you guys anxiety at times with a plethora of work to do, and messages/comments to reply to. I bet that can be difficult since you put earnest effort into your messages. Just remember that its better to care and be slower, than be able to reply to everyone with zero care about their messages. Empathy is a two way street, and I'm sure many of us Patrons share the same views. Stay awesome my dudes.

Eric Horstman

Sorry not sorry but any clap back to you not responding in a timely fashion is bullshit & a fucking first world problem! Get a fucking life people, they are busy & also have their own lives! To anyone complaining...shut the fuck up, get a life and just appreciate that these awesome guys even give their time to us to keep in touch! If you’re offended fuck off lol Greg & John, you owe no explanation and the majority of us understand. Luv ya lots


I love you guys ❤️


I am new to your patreon and haven’t left a message or comment for you guys to respond to but I want you to know I have been having a blast watching all my fave shows with you guys. You are doing a great job! Though I know its hard to do sometimes, try not to let any negativity bring you down. Don’t overwork yourselves and take time to rest and recharge. People that really support you will understand.

William Jones

Well I still love y’all anyway! And the balance between your two personalities is great. Now, when can we expect a blind trailer reaction to the new Dear Evan Hansen movie trailer? I’ve been waiting to see John’s puppy-eye’d reaction on that one :) Take care of your mental health and stay safe.