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"Silence In The Library "

Watch Along Link: https://vimeo.com/509284310/c3d96d9508


Episode Synopsis:

The Doctor and Donna join a group of archaeologists at a 51st-century library. What caused the library to become abandoned? What are the Nodes? And what links the library to one little girl? All they have is one warning - count the shadows.


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Doctor Who 4x8 HL Silence In The Library 1


Eden Rea

Kind of devastated that you guys didn't particularly love this episode (from what I can tell). Especiallly as this is arguably the best 2-parter in New Who. I also have an explanation for the clean skeletons. It's to visualise just how efficient the Vashta Nerada are. They pick their prey clean. That's how I see it at least.


The blonde girl/wolf paintings are on the wall behind the little girl in quite a few of her shots.

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

I found it, it’s 31:25 onwards it’s visible on the wall. Sorry, whoever wrote the original fact got the scene wrong but it’s definitely there and apparently it’s meant to as I said be symbolic of Rose and the bad wolf (and given all the rose Easter eggs in this season so far I wouldn’t put that past them) I’ve took a few screenshots of it and put it in the time boards thread on the discord if you wanted to check it out for yourself Greg/ John 👍

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Other than that I will definitely say this is arguably the best two parter in all of New Who to this day and I love it everytime, the second part is a right cracker and a heartbreaker 😭

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Also yeah there’s a lot of facts this week and really not a lot for next week as the Vast majority are (in Rivers voice) “Spoilers” so there will only be like 5 or 6, and then there’s slightly more for the episode after that and then a shit tonne for the final three episodes of season 4 👌


Omg, I’m mainly here for Supernatural but I am sure not gonna miss watching your reaction to Silence in the Library. So creepy and ominous, plus....”spoilers.”

Amber Dustman

Alex Kingston was on Arrow as Laurel Lance's mother. That's probably why you recognize her.

Henry from CO

"And then you remembered"


She also was on ER for 160 episodes, which is how I came up with her.

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

https://discord.gg/N82Mhfws There you go, only works for 24hours though then you’ll need to get a new link, although once you’ve joined you’ll not need the link again 👍

Adam C Turek

The actor playing "Other Dave" is playing Taskmaster in Black Widow

Isaac Dodshon

The idea of the episode taking place directly after Unicorn and the Wasp is probably wrong as in the 10th Doctor audio adventure for Big Finish (Technophobia), at the end of the episode the Doctor suggests that due to the dangers that technology causes them within the story that they instead go to a Library. However , it is still more likely that River Song’s message is the primary reason for the Doctor and Donna visiting the library