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Incase you don't follow me on instagram...we're engaged! 

Text from my post below :)


I love you, Olivia. I’ve never met someone as honest nor as strong as you. You never compromise your morals and stick true to your beliefs even in the face of external resistance or judgment. You’re blunt, tough, but you also are insanely caring and hilarious. You practice what you preach and since the day I met you, you’ve been there for me. I remember early on in our relationship, when our YouTube channel took a hit, you loaned me a few hundred dollars to make sure we could make rent that month. My career in every direction has grown cause of your support. That’s quite literal lol. Many things you have taught or given me advice on has directly impacted the growth in every area of my career and passion pursuits. The countless times I ask for your input, for you to listen to my rambles with YouTube or writing while you work your ass off as an ABA Therapist to directly help children with autism - as if what I do has anywhere near the level of difficulty and yet you never say that to me lol. I know about two things: filmmaking and basic psychology lol, but you have open my eyes to so many more things in life that my health, mindset, level of compassion / empathy is only heightened by what you’ve shown or spoken to me about. Your knowledge and ability to absorb information is so impressive that I rely on you to help explain so much complex things in all aspects of life....like when we were leaving the theaters after watching Tenet haha. I’m calmer in other areas that don’t require a need to stress, and I’m more caring / passionate in areas that matter more. You’re fucking beautiful, not a day goes by where you don’t make me laugh, and bottom line my heart has expanded because of your influence. I love our little family and I love the hell out of you. It’s funny how different we are yet how well we get along and how accepting we are of one another. All I hope is that I can keep you laughing every day. kick ass together for the rest of our lives.




Congratulations! Wishing you all the best for the future!

Reggie B

congratulations!!! wishing many years of happiness for you two ❤❤❤



lewis is your patron

YES! Congratulations you two! Hopefully Watson will trust you two in the same room together now...hopefully.

Dani S

Congratulations!!!! ☺️💛

Evgeny Caruana


ashlyn v

OH MY GOSH !!! More great news !! Congrats 😭💙


CONGRATS! That’s so sweet 😭😭😭

Toasted Toad

So great to have some happy news in these times. Congratulations!!! Mazal Tov. Amazing ring BTW

Elisa Ingo

Congratulations!! So happy for you both ❤

Elle B.

Congratulations to you both!! ❤️

Flev Dorin

OMG! Congratulations!!! You're taking many big steps in life right now, and I wish you well in all of those journeys!

Anisa Oliva

OMG congratulations I am so happy for y’all!💗🥺😭


Congratulations! That’s wonderful! And adding a paw to the pic? How cute is that?



Carolyn a


Laura Moore

This is a beautiful letter! I’m so happy for you guys and wish you a world of good things and happy days and even rough days made all the better because you are together. It may sound corny, but if you have any belief in blessings or good vibes know I mean it from the bottom of my heart.