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Aloha PatronOJects!

So, I was talking with a fellow PatronOJect in regards to our Watch Alongs.

He said that there are some Reactor Patreon pages that when they do their watch alongs (sync up with the time code) that the background audio of the show they're watching is loud enough where when he pulls up the actual series to watch along with them, he MUTES the series & only uses the audio from the reactor's watch along video.

What we've been doing, if ya'll have actually been watching along with us, is we raise the volume at certain points so you can properly sync up, but keep the series generally low in our background - so that you can use the series' audio from your own file. 


Do you think we should switch up how we're doing it to the former? OR Should we keep doing how we've been doing it? 

Would like to gage the response here to see which format would work best moving forward.


We already shot Hunter X Hunter & Supernatural for this week. Doctor Who (which we will discontinue using HBO Max since the playback rate seems to be very different) we havent shot yet. So depending on the votes, we switch the Watch Along format this way. 




Christopher simeon

Hasn’t been a problem so no need to change it for me

Heru Muharrar

I'm not sure the answer is to just have the audio up 24/7. I like what you guys are doing and don't want echoey low-quality audio playing in the background throughout the video. What WOULD be great, and isn't listed here, is to simply pay more attention to when you guys do have those audio spikes for our sync. Like when I'm watching Agents and there's no dialogue it's very hard to sync it up. So for example if you did 5 audio bump ups throughout a 43 minute runtime do 7 instead and/or make sure it's a decent spot for us to sync our version.


For my part, with Headphones on, I can still hear the Audio even when you have it low and can always sync it up when I mute my Stream for a Moment.


I would also suggest you not play the Previously On segment, since it's often got episode spoiler's. I don't think it's necessary. People can just get the episode to start playing after that's over.


Agree. Since you talk during it to not hear what is said, it is too difficulty to sync because it’s mixed with your voices. Just start with the episode and let us sync during then opening scene (until there is some dialogue we can use for the sync)


If keeping the same, it would be helpful for you to have the show volume all the way down except when turning up for the sync opportunities. Removes the slight echo we generally have.

Matthew Cronin

There are times where I want to watch the show with you guys but the audio is too different. It would be much easier if you switched it up.

Toasted Toad

You already know my opinion - there's no echo if you mute the video that you're using for the visuals. Sync becomes very easy as you are using one track (yours) for audio and one track (ours) for visuals. It's the standard method for other reactors (at least, those who don't use PiP).

Toasted Toad

There is no echo at all if you mute your own copy. High quality audio isn't really the issue - you want high quality when you're watching the episode yourself, but here you are watching a reaction. You just need to be able to follow what they are watching. Look at the major reactors and you will see that's how they do it.

Melanie LeBlanc

Would rather mute my feed and listen along through your reaction, but honestly, I'm not gonna complain either way.

Ryan H

I really dislike when the reactors keep their audio in the whole time. I rather keep with the current situation so i can control the shows volume level independently. Also don't want low-quality audio playing in the background throughout the video

Jani Salminen

The audio quality is gonna sound worse if you do it the other way, so i say keep doing it like you are.

Heru Muharrar

"High-quality audio isn't really the issue - you want high quality when you're watching the episode yourself, but here you are watching a reaction. " Speak for yourself, my friend. I want high-quality audio wherever I can get it.


If you keep the watch alongs like they are now, maybe have more sync moments and also make sure to have sync moments during dialog, not just during music moments. It's easier to sync a video when I can hear someone talking.