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"Point of No Return"   ....aka VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA!!!    

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/438790572/83f5ad9c46

Review BEGINS At:  42 mins & 13 seconds

Episode Synopsis:  When Dean learns that the angels have decided they don't need him anymore, he joins with Sam and Castiel to take on Zachariah...  also, Cas?  Doing SO well this episode.  Man's real good with a box-cutter ;)


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Supes 5x18 STREAM


Janet Shearer

It’s not a strong feeling of like or not like when it comes to Adam. It’s I feel bad for the kid. I wish he would have gotten to live his life longer. Good reaction, guys.


I do you love your commentary and I watch it to the very end. The longer the better 😊


I always assume the salt issue has to do with concentration.


Just FYI, .04% of the human body is sodium. Not quite the effect of pouring straight salt into a body. YOU GUYS 😂

Toasted Toad

100th episode - landmark! Guys, if it's going to help you, watch the recaps. I think we're past the point where it's gonna hurt (and of course, for the season finale the recap is mandatory!) Actually, I agreed with both of you re Cas. I didn't think your points of view were mutually exclusive. Cas beating up Dean is both cathartic and tragic. I understand why Greg might not have seen it as properly cathartic because that normally implies an element of healing. But Cas did get to relieve some of his feelings. I think Dean didn't really realize the impact his actions were having on Cas. Dean killing Zachariah was totally awesome. Good to see you enjoying that one as much as I did! I don't remember us arguing about Lisa, just discussing her. I get the impression that most of your Patrons feel similarly about her (not 100% of course, but we're not a million miles apart).

Mishalangelo's Apprentice

I love your hearing your thoughts and would have love to hear more. Episode was packed full of emotions for me. The things said to Sam and Bobby is heartbreaking, I can get his reasoning with what he said to Sam but he was a bit harsh to Bobby. I feel sorry for Adam. His attidute is understandable even expected. He had gone through a lot. Its sad that they lost him when he started to trust them. I am not mad at Dean, I don't know how long he resisted. Even though angels are unreliable and don't care about humans, they have a point. Dean takes a big risk not saying 'yes' to Michael. A risk can lead to Lucifer destroying the world, having trust issues with Sam doesn't seem to help. Logically the safest way is Dean saying 'yes' to Michael and kill Lucifer before he gets his true vessel, but Winchesters don't sacrifice humans. They always try to save everyone even if it seems impossible. I guess what makes them 'them' is standing against odds. And I like seeing Cas showing more emotions, becoming more like a human. Also I am glad he shout out to Dean what he had been through for him. The effect of spending time with people on Cas is interesting. Can't wait for more episodess.

Elle B.

The chest sigil moment is epic! I love it so much. And I agree with both of your interpretations on Cas’ anger. I loved your reaction to the wink and build up to Zachariah’s death, so hype.

Melanie LeBlanc

Don't piss off the nerd angels! But seriously, I can't handle it when Cas and Dean are fighting. It's tragic and both of them are so hopeless (about different things) but I've still always seen it as another way they play off each other. By the end of the fight, Dean wanted Cas to keep going because in his broken messed up way, it was like he needed it. And Cas definitely needed to unleash in some other way than drinking a liquor store. A+ to Dean at the end for talking about his feelings with Sam. Four more episodes and I can't wait for each of them!


I love how this episode goes from so dark with a feeling of doom to a feeling of hope. Zachariah's death was such a great moment! I remember being so surprised that they brought Adam back, as I really thought in season 4 he was a one off character. Cas was pretty badass in this one which I always love. Love the scenes between Sam and Dean too. "Because you're still my big brother" is a beloved line within the fandom. Great reaction! Ignore the fandom drama in the comments.


This is a pretty good episode. I wasn't that surprised by Dean's giving up and decision to say "Yes". He takes the weight of everything on his shoulders and some times it gets to be too much. He's done this before in season 2. He's not one for giving up, but even he has a limit. He needs a "win" now and then, and he needs to feel that he has someone on the same team with him that he can count on. He was unfortunately feeling concerned about Sam. I don't know why, since Sam had been doing so well for so long, even after what happened with Famine. Dean just didn't think he had it in him and that the fight was just too big. I'm glad it worked out for them, but sorry about Adam. I never had a problem with Adam, even in last season's episode when he was introduced. I don't know why some people do. Cas's actions make sense to me. I'm not sure where I stand with how you both think - I wasn't really able to follow all of that. LOL - Yes, I did listen to your discussion all the way to the end! I think Cas had reacted so strongly - he was really pissed - because he rebelled against Heaven BECAUSE of Dean. It was all because of Dean's influence, what Dean said. All those talks they had. It all led up to Cas choosing sides. He gave up everything. So when Dean gave up, that was a big slap in the face. And Angels can be wrathful. They do have some kind of feelings, as we've seen. From Uriel and Zach. Cas, was maybe more Pure of an angel. He learned from Humans though. Anyway, this is all my theory based on waht we've seen thus far.