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"The Pillar Man"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/438069936/366d097252

Review Begins At:  23 mins & 56 seconds

Episode SynopsisJoseph gets attacked by one of Stroheim's men after arriving in Mexico...  meanwhile, Stroheim attempts to awaken the Pillar Man, Santana..


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I am in shock, 3 episodes into this new phase and i cant think of such a drastic well done change since possibly Dragonball Z going into Dragonball GT and that wasnt even the same show. i mean wow this is stunning. I really almost gave up on this show so many times let me tell ya.... i am so glad i didn't. Now half the hardwork is getting people to believe me when i say make it to episode 11. LOL also the english dub totally makes Joestar look like a clown, the japanese is so much better.

Ryan H

The pillar man is named Santana but they change the name in the subtitles to avoid copyright issues.

Ryan H

Pillar man is NOT Dio its a new character.


Ahhhh, good to know! I was wondering why the name was different when I went to grab the info for the description. ...aaaaand now I'm chuckling again. I get such a kick out of these classic rock names lol.


Oh snap!! Good to know! His hair did look especially blue a lot of the time, did get me wondering a little..

Chen Cui

There's something to be noted, as you guys probably noticed the creator of JOJO is a huge fan of the western music in the 20th century(especially Queens). In later stories there are a ton of characters directly named after bands and musicians. to avoid copyright the official English subtitles change many of the charatcers' names (such as Santana to Sanviento). So it's good to instead listen to names the characters' are saying as there are going to be a lot of interesting references(even with heavy Japanese accents).


Ahhhh, good to know! Appreciate the advice there, because I definitely started to pick up the Santana pronunciation against the Sanviento subtitles... next time any new character shows up, I'll be listening that-much-harder from here on lol. It's one of this show's aspects that tickles me the most, that intense love of classic rock 😂