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"Sabito and Makomo"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Linkhttps://vimeo.com/431142057/e7b7c7195b

REVIEW Begins at: 25 Mins & 43 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: Sakonji Urokodaki starts training Tanjiro for Final Selection, the test for joining the unit. A year later, Urokodaki informs Tanjiro that he has nothing more to teach him... and gives him one last hurdle to overcome in front of a GIANT BOULDER.


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Demon Slayer 3 STREAM


Elle B.

I went ahead and binge-watched the rest of S1 this weekend so I cannot wait for you to see what’s in store! I appreciated this training montage episode because it mainly helps you understand the “rules” of this world and how their skills work.


I think Tanjiro and Deku share a lot of similarities as far as character archetype goes and how they are portrayed lol. The VA for both also are a bit similar . I get why they did it since its only 24 or 26 episodes , but I wish they had more in depth training instead of montage and the water breathing stuff could have been explaineid more , it felt really surface level explanation. I dont ask for HxH type of information , since sometimes that gets overboard haha, but considering it such a core element in the show it felt like the show is not concerned about mechanics as much . Which is fine and thats the direction of the show. buti wanted more lol. Also Nezuko sleeping for two years is a good excuse for his training stuff , but again it felt a bit weird for me how they just accept the fact and she magically goes to sleep because show needs a montage and passage of time . Honestly i feel like this ep had these quick shortcuts to deliver faster paced ep and just overall the show itself is not really worried about overloading viewer with information to explain its world and mechanics. The little snippets we had about water breathing and demon slayer corps was more about solid presenrtation and tell us that these elements are there but they are not as important to the grander picture . Despite me complaiining a lot , i enjoyed episode a lot , Like always presentation is on point and the second half was pretty good

Chase Gardner

I think this is one of my favorite episodes so far. You can get so hyped in this training session. The sword fighting is one of the most interesting sword fighting I've seen in an anime in a long time.