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"New Earth"

To Watch Our REVIEW, Click Here: https://vimeo.com/426458631/45ed4326a1#t=2669s

Episode Synopsis: The Doctor and Rose arrive on New Earth and meet old friends and enemies in a hospital that can cure EVERY disease... But the cures come at a terrible cost..


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Doctor Series 2 Episode 1 WHOLIGHTS

This is "Doctor Series 2 Episode 1 WHOLIGHTS" by The Reel Rejects on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Hey, yeah the way you’ve got to think about it is, 9 was the doctor straight after the time war and the loss of his species so he’s got ptsd from that and hasn’t really recovered so he uses humour to get over that and he is also more led by his emotions in that he kind of does and then thinks most of the time. Whereas with tennant, he has had the experience of being nine and coming more to terms with what happened, he still has that rage and passion but he also is able to be a little more happy/ bubbly. But deep down they are the same person and each previous incarnation is a bunch more experience for the next doctor to build upon.

Rosie Batey(DarthYoda066)

Chips actor is called Sean Gallagher, again he’s in a bunch of bbc productions and a lot of lower budget films so I don’t know what you may recognise him from

Toasted Toad

Enjoyed your reaction, guys. I didn't quite catch what you said you weren't going to comment on? Anyway, I like this episode but for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, it doesn't really work for me. It still has the feel of settling down into the Tennant era. I can pin down the point though where Tennant won me over. I loved his speech in the Xmas special about "who am I", but it was his delivery on the "what have you done with Rose" that caught me. I loved the lightning switch from talking about the "patients" to Rose, all delivered so smoothly that you almost don't realize he's done it. And I agree it reminds me a bit of the "everybody lives" moment in its triumphant celebration.

Adam C Turek

"Everyone in New New York has a British Accent" - the "Original" York so to speak is an English City in Yorkshire. When Cassand-Rose tried to speak in Rose's cockney accent it reminded me of Gregs impressions...


Ahhh okay, that makes a lot of sense. Will keep this in mind as we progress through the show. I did really appreciate, though, how it seems (at least so far) like Tenant's building on Eccleston, but then adding his own flavor. Especially when he gets serious, I think I can see/feel the history. Makes it easier to move ahead, actually. First time I didn't finish S1 because I just didn't wanna leave Eccleston haha.


Ahhhhh okay. I'll cruise his IMDb, then. I/we must've seen him in something at some point.


Aw thanks Toad, glad to hear that!! :) I'm racking my brain for what it was we weren't gonna comment on, but nothing's coming to mind just off the dome 😅😖 if it comes back to me, though, I'll be sure to holler! I can see where you're coming from with this one. Overall, I thought it was more solid than the previous, but it does still feel like we're settling in. I think some aspects could've maybe been fleshed slightly differently? I was half-expecting there to be a bigger moral dilemma with the feline people (or maybe focus put on ONE who isn't as cold as the others or something like that? We didn't get a ton of insight into them (aside from their dastardly doings).. I wonder if maybe that's what's missing? Seemed like we were almost getting there with that one nurse character he's initially talking to... Definitely agree on the "what have you done with Rose" moment, though. *Chef's kiss* Such a rewarding little nugget & I think it speaks to that ornery cleverness the Doctor has. Of course he's noticed something up with Rose... aaand that's the appropriate conversation in which to inquire. Beautiful haha. Dunno what the fan view is on the next, but hoping we continue the process of locking into the stride.


Haha indeeeed. I did my best to bring that up 😅 I s'pose it's only fitting New-New York ought'a revert back to England lol. (Or.. New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New York lol). Aaaaaand I s'pose that's fair lol. Hope it didn't trigger any traumatic trivia-based flashbacks! 😝


I was watching your most recent reaction to the BTS Class of 2020 Commencement speech and accidentally clicked on your Patreon, saw that you were reacting to Doctor Who and immediately became a patreon to watch it. Caught up with all of your reactions in one sitting. I can't wait to see you continue on this journey. Doctor Who is my favourite TV show and I'm so excited to continue rewatching it with you guys!

Reggie B

So my giant crush on billie piper might be giving me a bias here, but i really love this episode, ive seen it so many times lol. Beyond her just being gorgeous, i think billie does a great job playing cassandra! I also like that the doctor’s cure for all these diseases is basically a suicide soda of all the iv fluids And yeah the writer for the ep said in its commentary that cass-as-chip WAS the last person who told her she was beautiful, and that something changes in cassandra when this person collapses in her arms, and she’s pleading for these rich, important people around her to help save this person, and the fact that all they ignore her and move away from her. Also if u want here’s a bit of trivia! Billie piper’s boyfriend broke the face of boe prop haha. He was visiting set one day, and he was messing around w the levers that control the animatronics of the prop, and somehow he broke it !