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"The Curious Case of Dean Winchester"

Reaction Highlights Link: https://vimeo.com/416409823/c9f6927d2c

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT:  42 min & 20 seconds

Episode Synopsis: Investigating a series of odd murders that resemble fairy tales, pranks, and urban legends, Sam and Dean track down a dangerous boy named Jesse...


Links To All Seasons SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


SPN 5x7 "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester" STREAM


Kristin Dorner

This episode holds a special place in my heart💕 I agree 100% that the actor playing Patrick was phenomenal! Obviously the stuff between Bobby and old Dean is hilarious, but I love the deep emotional stuff, too. I think it’s safe to say that Bobby is universally loved by every SPN fan and him finally showing the boys how much he is hurting because of his injury breaks my heart every single time😭


Noice reaction, guys! I also loved Patrick, but it might be that I’m a little biased because I’m so Irish. The actor played it SO WELL. And I love Chad Everett, who played old Dean, from my childhood viewing of “Medical Center.” He was the main doctor, and to my 10-yr-old self, soooo handsome. RIP, Mr Everett. NEXT WEEK! Can’t wait! 🎉

Elle B.

I agree, the actor who played Patrick is fantastic and he is part of what makes this episode so memorable for me. Also I love Bobby so much. 😭❤️

Janet Shearer

I agree with Sarah Jay. Chad Everett is one of my favorite parts of this episode. He was a handsome actor, and was perfect casting for old Dean. The whole episode was great, and always a must watch. And yes, I can’t wait till next week either. In fact I think this week’s episode is the first in a string of excellent episodes. Thanks for the thoughtful reactions guys.

Laura Moore

I kind of love episodes like this where they don’t even resolve the issue. Like they the whole conflict was in order to get away the right age, but they came into town because of a weird death. He’s still there though playing poker. I don’t know why but I just like the ones where they can’t solve everything. Or even the misdirect around the chips and they didn’t actually have any power. I can kind of rationalize this one though, because the guy isn’t actually evil and the people agree to what they’re playing for and we know they sometimes do win. Probably everyone will agree the Actor who played Patrick was amazing, but also just love the writing of the “bad guy” character was really just kind of a neutral force in the world

Laura Moore

Oooo yeah I just was looking at what episode was next and it’s iconic! Actually the next four are pretty steller. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and see some familiar faces

Toasted Toad

Not a favourite episode of mine (nothing wrong with it, just not my favourite), so I just listened to your comments. Found it interesting that your first focus was on Patrick, because most people tend to focus on Old Dean and dismiss Patrick a bit. But I’m with you - I think he was played brilliantly and was one of the highlights of the episode. Obviously, I love the bits with Bobby too, but I just love how courageous Dean is and we see how strong his feelings for Bobby are when he buys Bobby’s years back without hesitation, putting himself at risk. I get slightly annoyed though that Sam gets credit for winning at poker in the end. He wasn’t doing anything special. He got lucky - he had a good hand. That’s all. And I don’t mean to rag on Sam with that - I know what the writers were trying to do. I just wish they had been a little bit cleverer. So 3 slightly weaker episodes in a row (as I see it). What’s next??? Also going to join in with everyone else - please SKIP THE RECAP on the next episode!

Melanie LeBlanc

What by all rights should have been a so-so episode was kept fresh and entertaining by the guest stars. The older actor who played Dean did such a great job in my opinion. It was easy to believe that really was Dean. The way he talked, moved and interacted with Sam and Bobby showed he did his research. Kudos and RIP to the man. Patrick was well done. He's the bad guy, you know this, but it's hard to feel that way about him throughout the episode. When I first watched this, I remember thinking that I didn't want him to die. I like grey characters, and he is one of them. He doesn't force anyone to play and clearly has his own set of rules that he lives by. He could have killed Sam, but he just gave him the clap as punishment, something that's not fun but is treatable. I don't know if it's too late to warn you, but I wish you would skip episode 8's recap. I'd happily work to sync when the episode began so that you're not spoiled. I've been waiting for this for seven episodes.

Eric Horstman

Really liked this ep mainly cuz I have a thing for the Irish (wink emoji), but my fave part was the review! During John’s stream of thought I took a shot a minute and blacked out lol Luv ya John!!!

Steve Rivera

I personally love this episode. And yeah the character of Patrick was great. Loved the concept and loved how quip heavy this episode was. It feels more natural in episodes that are a bit more "cooky" like this, for lack of a better word. As for Mehpisodes, I said it before I don't think the previous episode falls under that, but the Paris Hilton one kinda does 😅 Oh man one of my faves is coming up 👀

Steve Rivera

Also please make an exception and skip the recap for next episode 😬😬 it spoils a lot. Trust us I don't think people will complain about this one 😓


Love this one!! Glad to see y’all actually liked it too 😂 Yeah, like everyone is saying, y’all are about to hit a run of solid episodes. The magic of season 5 is upon us! NEXT WEEK in particular is one of the faves 😬😬 Good advice from Steve, skipping the recap on the next one is a good idea 👏🏻

Jennifer Lundstrom

Sam's poker game is one of my favorite Sam moments and JP performances. Both Winchesters are great hunters and each have their own strengths, Sam's cleverness and intelligence really make a story when written like this episode!


This is an underrated episode I think. Mostly because this season is jam packed with so many amazing episodes, this is one that kind of gets forgotten . I think all of the guest actors were great here! Fun Fact: Hal Ozsan, who plays Patrick here, and Jensen Ackles, both played reoccurring roles on the last season of Dawson's Creek. The concept is unique, and the way they went about resolving everything was interesting. Sam gets to save the day too, which feels great as he's been kind of beaten down due to the events of season 4. Oh, and the the emotional scene between Dean and Bobby at the end is great as well! It's sad to know how much Bobby is struggling with at the moment. Glad to see you both enjoyed this episode too! Can't wait for next week!! :)


This is a pretty great episode. Loved the Patrick character and I love even more that he's still alive at the end. Loved that they made him such a gray character. He wasn't an outright murderer or evil. He didn't rig the games to make people lose to him. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose...sometimes he lets them win to help them out. He even stops Lia from killing the brothers after they trespassed. It was also such a nice treat that Patrick and Lia had their own centuries long story and complicated relationship. Almost like the Winchesters and Bobby were walking into the witches' story for an episode. I like when shows do that. When it's done well, it makes the world feel very lived in. I loved getting to see Bobby express himself about his injury and subsequent disability. It was a heavy thing to hear but I am glad that he got to talk about it honestly after keeping it all bottled up save for snarky comments. Finally, I loved Sam in that poker game. As they say, poker is not about playing the game, it's about playing the other person and Sam played Patrick beautifully. I also think it's worth it to point out that Sam sat down at that table with multiple plans and wound up using one to fake out the other, winning by playing an honest game of poker. There was the plan Dean and Bobby came up with to use the spell which didn't work. (Maybe it could have worked but Patrick was too observant.) Then there was his plan to use his genuine fear of Dean dying as part of his bluff. Them trying to cheat with the spell actually played in perfectly to Sam's desperation and sold his whole act. Circling back to Patrick, I love that he can genuinely respect when someone else beats him. In other episodes with a different antagonist, he might've lost it when Sam beat him and tried to kill them all anyway but not in this one. Here, Patrick acknowledges a well played game and graciously keeps his promise.

Reggie B

honestly i forgot how much i love patrick!! yeah he's SO great, glad you guys like him too. i also feel like i would enjoy this episode more if i knew literally anything about poker haha. and i do agree about skipping the recap for 5x08, probably a good idea.

Jonathan Cassell

One of my favs of this season and Patrick he's great and grumpy old men lol where my favorite moments fun review guys

Kayla Waters

I do really enjoy this episode, despite the fact that Jensen isn't in it much :p But yes, Patrick was an incredible side character, and I think the actor did a great job. I will also reiterate with everyone else, I recommend skipping the recap for the next episode! It's spoilery and kind of ruined the episode for me a little bit the first time I watched it.

Steve Rivera

Really hope they saw us suggest to skip the recap 😥


Ahoy!! Apologies as I've got some comments to catch up with (as you can see 😅), but just wanted to let you know, we DID see the suggestion to skip the recap. Much appreciated!! We'll figure out the best way to proceed come recording time.

Chaos T

The older actor they got to play Dean was amazing in the role. For that alone this episode is enjoyable to me. Patrick being one of the best "monster of the week" characters. This episode is a great example of monster of the week done right and another reason why season 5 was amazing. For me, this was a top five "monster of the week" type episode. Maybe the best of the series.