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"The Rapture"

Reaction HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/396025669/74c2821ce3

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT: 38min 45 Seconds


Episode Synopsis:

Castiel has left & now they're stuck with JIMMY. As the Winchester Brothers try to keep him safe, Sam struggles with Demon Blood addiction...


Links To All Seasons SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supes 4x20 THE RAPTURE Watch Along


Reggie B

wow i am beyond excited about this ep to see what u guys think!!!!! ok ill post a proper comment after i actually watch, brb


I realized I never watched the pilot with you guys, so I went back in the archives and watched it. AND IN THE PILOT, Dean says “shag ass,” and you guys didn’t react! Lol. Shagging ass is quite big in this show! Loved this reaction guys, bravo!

Toasted Toad

Great reactions, guys. Very big episode, this one. I love that we do really get to see Misha's acting skills, and how far he went to create Cas. That moment when he gives permission for Cas to possess him, and you see two completely different people before and after. Not just the voice, but the way he stands, the way he moves his body, all different. Someone who doesn't really understand being human. And when Jimmy refuses to say grace 😭😭😭 Yes - evidently Heaven has got pretty annoyed with Cas for his growing empathy with humans - especially Dean - and has 're-educated' him. I don't think we know exactly what happened, but Anna has mentioned being tortured in Heaven for her heresy. I think that's why he doesn't attempt any sort of goodbye with the wife. Just to clarify, the reason Jimmy hasn't eaten in so long is that Angels don't need to eat (or, as we have seen, sleep). Big difference between demons and angels is that demons will keep a dead body moving - they will not generally bother to/can't heal their vessel, whereas angels heal the body. All the angel vessels are alive and well (although not necessarily happy!).

Janet Shearer

As one of your older rejects, the Shag Ass phrase is not something new. Like, I might suggest you shag ass and watch more than one SPN episode a week. 😉

Elle B.

This is one of my favorite episodes for Cas/Misha! He really brings so many layers to this role. And I agree, the actress playing Amelia was really believable. And that look Dean gives Sam after he stands up and turns around after drinking the demon’s blood—oof! No words, but you feel the weight of how they both are feeling in that moment. Ugh so good. I keep saying this but I am SO excited for the next two weeks.

Kristin Dorner

One of my FAVES!!! I could not believe that Misha was only supposed to be on the show for a few episodes. He is such an incredible actor and adds so much to the show. Thank goodness the Supernatural powers that be made the decision to keep him around. As for Cas seeming cold once he returned to Jimmy’s vessel: throughout this season, there have been little mentions of people/angels noticing that Cas seems to be experiencing human emotions more and more. This had caused him to start questioning his orders and questioning, I guess, the righteousness of what they were trying to do. Whatever happened when they pulled him back to heaven, it was to discourage that and to reinforce that any orders coming from Heaven were righteous and not to be disobeyed for ANY reason. It was so weird seeing him revert back to S4 E2 Cas who didn’t seem to give a SH*T about Dean or any human wanting the angels to justify their actions or inactions.


This is one of my favorite episodes of season 4! I love that you guys really enjoyed it as well! Misha is terrific here, and it's probably the episode that really got me hooked to the Castiel character. The whole episode is really well done, and yeah it was nice to get the backstory on Cas' vessel.

Toasted Toad

BTW you might not have noticed but at this point, Cas has only ever met Sam twice, and never without Dean - once in Pumpkin, where Cas was hardly a fan of Sam, and once in I Know What You Did Last Summer/Heaven & Hell, when he was with Uriel, trying to kill Anna. Any advances Cas has made towards a sort of friendship are exclusively with Dean. Which makes sense - Angels are not fans of demon blood Sam (even before the truth comes out that he is drinking it) and Cas seems to share the opinion of the rest of the angels on that point.

Steve Rivera

One of the reasons I love this episode is because it's one of those storylines you didn't know you NEEDED until you're watching it. When I first watched, i got so excited about what this episode was going to be about. Ans enjoyed seeing how Jimmy came to be "possessed." Love how different Jimmy and Castiel are. As for the "shag ass", maybe it's not a West coast thing? I mean, I've heard teachers and adults say it throughout my whole life. Not like all the time but enough that it wasn't weird. I was born in LA, but moved to west Texas when I was around 8 or 9. It never seemed out of place to me so seeing you guys trip about it again was quite amusing 😂😂😂


Great Reaction, as always. Season 4 has so many good, meaty episodes. It's crazy. This episode is an example of one where Sam and Dean aren't central to it yet it's still something we want to watch. We don't need sam and dean to be central to everything all the time. It's nice, but it's also nice so mix things up a bit. This was a good story to tell and I liked how they did it. It continues to increase the impression that angels are really not who they've been sold to us as in Sunday school. Can't put human emotions and sympathy onto an angel. Doubtful that Cas even considered doing anything like what you mentioned after he possessed Jimmy the first time. Just so it's clear, because some people don't realize it - Jimmy's wife didn't get possessed until after the fight in the house. The one demon escaped just before Dean could knife her, then possessed the mom when she was away from everyone for a second. I forgot about the SOON bit at the end. Seems odd to be so late in the season. I'll keep my comments short, so as to give you a break this week. lol


Wait, WHAT?!? There’s a shag-ass early on in the show we didn’t know about??? How could we have dropped the so far 😂😭 gonna have to go back n revisit, myself, lol. And glad ya dug this one!! Such a great episode.


Glad you enjoyed!! This was SUCH a good episode, agh. The grace scene was such a nuanced little punch. HUGE credit to Misha across this episode for sure, but especially there at the end surrendering Jimmy's body to Castiel. Really does feel like 2 totally separate characters inhabiting the same body. I can only imagine what that shoot day must've been like... Makes sense, I guess, that heaven would be a bit wary of Cas's judgement (especially given what little we know about this version of heaven haha). Still, though, whatever they did really looks like it left an impact 😰and that'd make some sense too as to why he didn't attempt the goodbye. Appreciate the clarification as well! I s'pose that makes a good amount of sense haha, the one happy byproduct of having your body commandeered by the divine, I guess. 😅


Hahaha this is true 😝I feel like they've dropped that one a fair few times now - and apparently did so in the pilot 😮 Dunno if it's ever gonna stop making me giggle tho lol. And y'never know what the future holds! For the moment, I think things will hold tight at 1 a week, but as we continue streamlining over here, one of the goals is to get at least one or two of these shows going up more than once a week. SPN would theoretically be at the top of that theoretical pile, so keep your fingers crossed!


I can see why! Was really moved & impressed by the way he was able to balance the two roles and really make them feel like two distinct entities occupying the same body. And yeah, my heart sunk to the pit of my stomach when Dean came up on Sam drinking the blood. It was gonna come out one way or another, but guhh.. such a punch, but so many feelings simultaneously. Quite nervous for the end of the season here. 😅


Seriously!! And to think that this episode might never have even been conceived had those stars not aligned for Misha/Cas to stay around. This was definitely his standout episode. I shudder to think what heaven's disciplinary actions entail, but they certainly seem to have done the number on Cas. Was a very foreboding note to end on the way he comes back into Jimmy's body there at the end.. Still, hoping that some of that rebelliousness still lives in there somewhere... guess we'll see in the next couple episodes, but.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous 😅


I can see why!! This was terrific! All of the props to Misha for being able to create & balance both of those characters while also making them both distinct. This was kinda like the episode we didn't realize we wanted/needed haha. Definitely hooked into Castiel, but worried about where things are headed next 😅


Ahhh, okay. It felt like more, but looking back now I can see it. I guess since Sam "knows" Castiel and he & Dean discuss him a lot it probably feels like more. I'll keep that in mind as well moving forward. Aaaand now I'm that-much-more nervous for Sam in all this lol. Things don't appear to be boding well at the moment 😅


That's a great way to put that!! Think I might've actually referenced this in a previous comment haha, the whole Jimmy thing definitely felt like something we didn't know we wanted/needed until it was happening. HUGE props to Misha being able to create & carry two distinct characters inside one physical appearance. Definitely a standout ep for him! Aaaand I'm glad you got a good kick out of our incredulity over "shag ass" lol. I feel like I've heard it in the past, perhaps, but never in a very common kind of way. I think I partly find it distracting, because I'm used to the phrase "haul ass," and then I start wondering what the need to change it was. Especially when "shag ass" seems slightly less innocuous than "haul ass" lol. But perhaps it's just not the common colloquialism out west. 😅 Either way, I don't think it's gonna stop making me/us giggle anytime soon.


Aw haha no worries, dear! Always happy to read your feedback, though in the same breath I do appreciate your consideration haha. Really you enjoyed the video!! That's a great point - got a lot of respect for this ep. on multiple levels, but I think it's cool that they were successfully able to make an episode that didn't have S&D at the center, but was still really important for them & the overall story. And god, the angels! I shudder to think what sort of disciplinary action they had waiting for Cas up in.. Heaven... lol. And by now, I'm almost certain Cas wouldn't have thought to give Jimmy & his wife a goodbye the first time. Not after that "I'm not your dad" or whatever he said to Jimmy's daughter. Appreciate the clarification re: Jimmy's wife being possessed. I guess I only half-called it, then lol. But that makes a good amount of sense. Sometimes in the frenzy of the moment, you lose track of those lil demonic logistics. As for the SOON teaser... seems cool enough to get a preview (not that we need/want them), but yeah lol, quite random to just introduce that toward the end of a fourth season. ...unless it was a special one-off! 😮

Steve Rivera

LOL yeah I mean I always use "haul ass" as well I never use "shag ass". From what I can tell, that's usually something older people say 😅

Toasted Toad

I think it’s one of those things you only notice after re-watches. Like you say, it feels as though Sam knows him more because Dean tells Sam about him, but they don’t actually meet until episode 7, and then only once more after that. And at both those meetings Dean is present too.

Reggie B (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:52:02 dont want to repeat whats already been said, this is obviously a great episode! so my quick thoughts 1.) jimmy's story is SUCH a tragedy, ive never really forgotten about him and what he sacrificed. poor guy, he's lost all faith in what he used to believe was righteous. 2.) re: "dont angels know not to traumatize little kids?"... honestly (imo) i dont think heaven at large really gives a shit about some human's feelings? castiel needed a human vessel so he could speak w dean, and he got one. 3.) i never once thought that the wife had been seeing someone else lol, and the way you both started freaking out abt it at the same time was hilarious tbh 4.) theres an absolutely gorgeous shot in this ep, when castiel is going from claire to jimmy, and its an overhead view? just a beautiful image imo <3
2020-03-12 03:29:47 dont want to repeat whats already been said, this is obviously a great episode! so my quick thoughts 1.) jimmy's story is SUCH a tragedy, ive never really forgotten about him and what he sacrificed. poor guy, he's lost all faith in what he used to believe was righteous. 2.) re: "dont angels know not to traumatize little kids?"... honestly (imo) i dont think heaven at large really gives a shit about some human's feelings? castiel needed a human vessel so he could speak w dean, and he got one. 3.) i never once thought that the wife had been seeing someone else lol, and the way you both started freaking out abt it at the same time was hilarious tbh 4.) theres an absolutely gorgeous shot in this ep, when castiel is going from claire to jimmy, and its an overhead view? just a beautiful image imo <3

dont want to repeat whats already been said, this is obviously a great episode! so my quick thoughts 1.) jimmy's story is SUCH a tragedy, ive never really forgotten about him and what he sacrificed. poor guy, he's lost all faith in what he used to believe was righteous. 2.) re: "dont angels know not to traumatize little kids?"... honestly (imo) i dont think heaven at large really gives a shit about some human's feelings? castiel needed a human vessel so he could speak w dean, and he got one. 3.) i never once thought that the wife had been seeing someone else lol, and the way you both started freaking out abt it at the same time was hilarious tbh 4.) theres an absolutely gorgeous shot in this ep, when castiel is going from claire to jimmy, and its an overhead view? just a beautiful image imo <3

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:52:04 Haha no worries! 'Tis a great one indeed!! 1). Gahhh, I felt so much for Jimmy. Poor guy is right. 😥 His was the story I didn't know I wanted/needed, but I am SO glad they decided to drop it in. Definitely a standout. 2). Yeaaahhhh, you're probably right 😅I'm taken aback that they wouldn't brief him in the slightest about human interaction or who he's jumping into. Heaven got no sympathy for a child man, that's cold! ...but then again, this heaven seems kinda cold haha. And detached from humanity, so again, it makes sense. 3). Hahaha yeah, initially I thought it was gonna be one of those "you just up and left us... I had no idea if you were coming back, so I.. moved on.." kinda scenarios. At least on our end, it made for a fun mislead haha. Glad you enjoyed the reactions, regardless of the context 😝 4). D'you mean the shot where they cut from the closeup to the wide/overhead of Jimmy with the light beaming out of his eyes &amp; mouth? It's been a couple weeks already and I'm still thinking about parts of this haha. That whole scene was gorgeous!
2020-03-20 20:15:01 Haha no worries! 'Tis a great one indeed!! 1). Gahhh, I felt so much for Jimmy. Poor guy is right. 😥 His was the story I didn't know I wanted/needed, but I am SO glad they decided to drop it in. Definitely a standout. 2). Yeaaahhhh, you're probably right 😅I'm taken aback that they wouldn't brief him in the slightest about human interaction or who he's jumping into. Heaven got no sympathy for a child man, that's cold! ...but then again, this heaven seems kinda cold haha. And detached from humanity, so again, it makes sense. 3). Hahaha yeah, initially I thought it was gonna be one of those "you just up and left us... I had no idea if you were coming back, so I.. moved on.." kinda scenarios. At least on our end, it made for a fun mislead haha. Glad you enjoyed the reactions, regardless of the context 😝 4). D'you mean the shot where they cut from the closeup to the wide/overhead of Jimmy with the light beaming out of his eyes & mouth? It's been a couple weeks already and I'm still thinking about parts of this haha. That whole scene was gorgeous!

Haha no worries! 'Tis a great one indeed!! 1). Gahhh, I felt so much for Jimmy. Poor guy is right. 😥 His was the story I didn't know I wanted/needed, but I am SO glad they decided to drop it in. Definitely a standout. 2). Yeaaahhhh, you're probably right 😅I'm taken aback that they wouldn't brief him in the slightest about human interaction or who he's jumping into. Heaven got no sympathy for a child man, that's cold! ...but then again, this heaven seems kinda cold haha. And detached from humanity, so again, it makes sense. 3). Hahaha yeah, initially I thought it was gonna be one of those "you just up and left us... I had no idea if you were coming back, so I.. moved on.." kinda scenarios. At least on our end, it made for a fun mislead haha. Glad you enjoyed the reactions, regardless of the context 😝 4). D'you mean the shot where they cut from the closeup to the wide/overhead of Jimmy with the light beaming out of his eyes & mouth? It's been a couple weeks already and I'm still thinking about parts of this haha. That whole scene was gorgeous!

Reggie B

yea the overhead shot is wonderful! wanna make it my laptop wallpaper one of these days


So many times there are some people who think if the show doesn't focus on the boys it isn't worth the time, but this is for sure one of my all time favorite episodes. Watching your reactions has also showed me a bit of how this show has desensitized me to tv violence, which is interesting. Misha is one of the reason's this show never got old for me.

Chaos T

It makes sense for their characters. I live in the mid-west and I've heard this saying from time to time.