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Thanks for asking, DEREK MITCHELL!!!

What's your guys' take on this one??  Leave it in the comments, people!!


Full Question:  Great news!  Following the smash hit of Fast 9, in preparation of #10, the powers that be have decided that you, Greg and John, will be given the reigns with just one caveat:  full cast reboot with the exception of a cameo by either Vin or Dwayne, your choice.  The big question-- What actors would you pick to take this fastchise in a new and fantastic direction??  


LINKS TO ALL FEBRUARY 2020 Q&A's: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects?filters[tag]=Q%26A%20February%202020


Derek Mitchell Q&A Feb20


Toasted Toad

I like it. Slow but Furious! Or Rush Hour - Slow but Even More Furious