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"Smoldering Flames"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/390236632

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 24 Mins & 15 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: After the fight with the Shie Hassaikai, a new villain emerges, and the students who participated reflect on their own roles as future heroes...  also, we get to see A BUNCH of the old regulars again!  Wheeeee!





Brian Lacock

This is the first time we’ve seen (real) cami. She was being impersonated by L.o.V. Vampire girl. They won’t deal with the dichotomy of the intensity. At all. That’s just a massive writing stylistic difference between long running western shows and long running anime you’ll have to move past: intensity makes no effort to be linear. The show right now is entering a character progression arc, most likely the school festival trope based on the opening. There’s not going to be the same massive stakes and the villains won’t be that significant. Sorry 😝😂


There we go, that's sorta what I was thinking. Couldn't remember if we saw her briefly in the introductory moments before that competition started - appreciate the clarifier! Aaaaand that is a very good thing to know haha. I guess that's sorta how life is, in a way.. but that's a good piece of info to know just moving forward in general. Always find these sorts of differences in sensibility fascinating. And I suppose, in an odd way, it might be nice to get back to the chiller, more character side for a while. Haha appreciate the heads-up! 😝

Brian Lacock

Any time, it’s something I came across in reverse moving from anime to supernatural, instead of m.o.t.w. Episodes for character development over time they just wack out half a season to really show you who all the characters are.


I see! So with anime the pattern is more see the characters grow over a certain amount of episodes... then watch that growth put into action in the next handful of episodes? Sorta hopping back n forth between those general dynamics? Would be fascinated to know how these different sensibilities developed over time.. 🤔