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Thanks for your question, EVGENY CARUANA!!!

What are some of y'all's favorite films to tear up to??  Leave 'em in the comments, people!!!


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Jevvy Q&A Feb 20



The Sixth Sense always gets to me, the last twenty minutes I’m a emotional wreck. Ghost has made me cry since 1990. The Fox and the Hound destroys me. The ending to Rocky gives me a happy cry, if I get excited in a movie I cry. Thor arriving in Wakanda with Stormbreaker made me cry and jump with joy all at once. Anything to do with Dads and Daughters break me ever since I have become a father to a girl. Manchester by the Sea hit me pretty hard. Recently Marraige story got me choked up at the end

Evgeny Caruana

Your list is great guys! So much in common hahaha here's my list... 10) The Lion King (original) 9) Zero Dark Thirty 8) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (that Snape momory scene gets me every time) 7) Up 6) A Star is Born 5) Once Upon a Time in the West that flashback scene during the standoff 4) Logan 3) Spider-man 2 (the train scene) 2) Saving Private Ryan 1) Coco (beautiful 😢😌👌) Probably my list changes over time but these movies always make me cry even upon revisiting. Thanks for answering my question! Have a great month!!


Oh my God, COCO. Watched it with my 4-year-old granddaughter—she fell asleep; I cried my EYES out. EDIT: bahaha, Greg said it. ☺️


Off the top of my head... LOTR, Coco, and Wonder Woman get me every time I watch them.

Toasted Toad

I cry really easily, so my list would be quite long (I am equally likely to cry at something really beautiful as something really sad) but Pursuit of Happyness is def a good choice. Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightley version) - I was living overseas at the time, and all those beauty shots of the English countryside with a swelling musical score playing made me bawl my eyes out with homesickness! Schindler’s List. First film to ever make me cry as a kid was The Champ.


Dont know about top ten , But the ones that immediately come to my mind 1. Logan. It is my favorite comic book/superhero movie, it dethroned The dark knight . It just such a downright depressing film . And theres these two particular scene, one at the grave in the woods when Logan is trying to make a speech and cant, that immediately gets me in tears, and of course the ending . Like I cannot think of another film in its genre that got me so emotionally invested and feel such strong emotions . 2. Silent voice , same year i watched Logan too. This one just the subject matter and how it appraoched character writing via body language and use of music just destroyed me . 3. Warrior , this one is just straight up man drama , and its done so well, especially the scenes with the dad and the ending when the song kicks in. 4.Machester by the sea , the topics it deals with and the performances of the actors just crushed me . Its such a heavy movie . 5. I want to eat your pancreas(lol) its the most recent anime movie i have seen and the ending, even tho you know its coming , just gutted me . I feel like im forgetting a bunch of stuff , lol


Got some good picks here, man! Ghost is like a cry-movie classic haha. And funny enough 2 of our cats are named for The Fox and the Hound 😅 I'm always fascinated by those kinds of things - elements of your life that start to affect how you emotionally relate to movies & art in general. Do you have any particular favorite Father/Daughter-type movies?


No problem, man!! You've got a good list here, yourself. I gotta imagine all our lists are gonna warp a little over time (and depending on what comes to mind at the moment haha 😅). I'm gonna have to keep a list now every time a movie gets to me like that.

Evgeny Caruana

That's actually a great idea! I love revisiting those kind of movies, get the feels going hahaha


Awww that's simultaneously super-funny & super-sweet haha. Just give it a few years 😉😭


Good picks!! Definitely some affecting stuff in LOTR, pretty sure we shed a few tears between us across that series.


Haha I feel ya! I love a good beauty cry. It's been an age since I last saw Pride & Prejudice, but I bet it'd get to me more now 😅actually remember catching that one in the theatres back in the dia. And not bad! Which version of The Champ, '31 or '79?


Haha no worries, mate. I always feel like I'm leaving out some sorta "Eureka!" type answer. Gotta start keeping more lists for these kinds of things 😅 Also, I just went to google I Want to Eat Your Pancreas and I think the auto-fill had the title before I'd gotten through "I want" lol, so I guess that says something. Does the title make more sense in Japanese? Or is this movie a lot crazier than the synopsis has led me to expect? 😂 Good choices overall, tho! Definitely agree re: Logan. That movie has a certain heavy heart I don't think any other Super flick up until this point has hit. Actually remember seeing Warrior back in the old days when we used to get into test screenings. Had no idea it'd get as much love as it has, but was happy to see that. STILL have not seen Manchester by the Sea, but a couple others have mentioned it here as well. Guess I'll hafta catch up! Same with Silent Voice. It keeps coming up lol, so I clearly missed out 😅


Blow with Johnny Depp is a film I recently rewatched, and his relationship with his daughter is heartbreaking, Leave no trace with Ben Foster is a recent movie that I probably relate to the most, and Interstellar, I didn’t care for it the first time but after rewatching since My daughter was born I really connected to the father daughter story


The translation is literal, and the phrase is used by main characters. I still think it's really weird title, but the context in the movie makes it justified.


Ahhh, okay. Good to know! ..then if I wind up seeing it, I won't go in expecting cannibal craziness lol

Toasted Toad

Haven't watched it since I was a kid. For all I know, it's not very good!

Nikki Sonrisa

great list but how did you miss Endgame??? haha ok here's my top 10: 1. It's a Wonderful Life (I cry multiple times throughout that movie 2. The Miracle Worker (1962) 3. The Color Purple 4. Coco 5. Wreck It Ralph 6. Endgame 7. Meet The Robinsons 8. Up 9. Liar Liar 10. Titanic

Nikki Sonrisa

yes! the scene where Sam carries Frodo! I always cry during that scene haha

Nikki Sonrisa

ugh. The Fox and the Hound scarred me as a kid haha I can never watch it again, too freaking sad! :'(


Goodness haha, I'm not sure! Both Endgame and Infinity War have some pretty heart-wrenching moments 😭maybe other aspects of the experience just stuck out more in our minds? Either way, great picks here!! It's a Wonderful Life is definitely another I wish I'd name-checked. Gotten to see it a couple times on the big screen. Such a great experience!

Nikki Sonrisa

whoa! I'm jealous; I would kill to see It's a Wonderful Life on the big screen...I see it once a year on Christmas Eve and bawl my eyes out every time. George Bailey is such a wholesome bean. could also have to do with the family tradition nostalgia berries as well haha


Hey haha, nostalgia berries can be tearjerkers; taking you back to times gone by. I feel like my family's watched it every holiday season for as long as I can remember. But the big screen was really special. Seems like, slowly, more theatres are starting to have revival-type screenings here n there, so who knows? Maybe you'll have a shot one'a these days! So much love for the George Bailey, though. Just a man with a big heart doing what he can.