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As thanks for their hard work in taking down the evil high-priest in Liore last week, Edward and Alphonse get some time off to go study with the Sewing-Life Alchemist...

What could go wrong?!


Fullmetal Alchemist 1x4


Elle B.

This episode is never easy to watch. So messed up. 😰 I like that you caught on that episode 3 was like the dark side of religion and episode 4 is like the dark side of science. Shou Tucker is definitely one of the most hated characters in this anime. If not the most.

Jordan Swan

Hate Shou Tucker but I think his voice actor especially at the end really nailed it. Loved the reaction can't wait for more!


Oof.. I can definitely see why - at least based on this first tangle with him.. 😱 I guess I didn't know quite what to expect jumping in (didn't watch a trailer or anything haha), but I love the way they're introducing and playing with their different themes. Those added layers of weight make it all the more rewarding... and messed up haha.


Right?? So far I think the voice acting for the dub has been top-notch (big part of why I stuck with it). Can definitely see why you hate that character, but I'm with you on the voice for sure. Whoever the actor is really nailed the nuances of that.. completely fucked up scenario.. haha. Really glad you're enjoying the vids!! :)