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Been doing a lot of Trailers Revisited for MCU, so figured we should mix it up with DC!


Man of Steel Revisited


Heru Muharrar

Man...this is one of my favorite all time trailers. That score is too good man. I liked the movie too it just wasn’t great.

Ryan H

I loved this movie!

Ron Harrison

The one thing I thought when the other mother was telling the Kents that her son saw what Clark did is "Well, tell your son to shut the hell up and tell the same thing to all those damn kids on the bus!! Let them learn the meaning of a pact!! Clark saved their lives!!" Give Clark a chance to grow up in Smallville instead of having to go from town to town and city to city living like a hobo. This movie had far better special effects than Superman The Movie, but I had big problems with the plot.


It's a good one! Haha wasn't lying when I say I work out to that score. Definitely agree there - great trailer.. pretty good movie.


I can definitely see why. Think they had a lot of interesting ideas with MOS, but with the way the film is sort of divided into 2 distinct chunks, definitely feel like there could've been a better balance and more to his origin - I like your point about the kids haha. Would've allowed him some extra time in Smallville, perhaps... Do think the tone on the origin side is pretty good, though. And, like you said, the special effects and things like that. Would've been cool to give more breathing room and attention to Smallville and Clark's young life before all the wandering stuff. Weirdly, I think Man of Steel is the one I'd most want to see a director's cut for out of the current DCEU haha.

Ron Harrison

While watching Man of Steel, I knew I wasn't getting Richard Donner's Superman. I expected it to be modern. I saw the trailers and watched the actor interviews. When I compared it to Superman The Movie, I realized that Man of Steel was desperate to top the other Superman films that had come before it. Kal-El's departure from Krypton wasn't emotional enough, so they threw in a planetary civil war happening at the exact same time. Jonathan Kent having a heart attack and dying wasn't potent enough, so they had him get killed in a hurricane when his son could easily have super sped over to him and saved his life. All the collateral damage caused by Superman fighting the Kryptonians was a problem for me too. People make fun of Superman The Movie because Superman spun around the earth to save Lois's life. But no one has a problem with the Krptonians terraforming the Earth with a massive machine. The Earth has sustained life for hundreds of years, but I'm pretty sure terraforming the Earth with a powerful alien device would have irreparable cataclysmic results and that the Earth couldn't just bounce back from that. So yeah, I wanted more from Man of Steel. I always hope for the best when I go to see any movie, but sometimes movies let me down.But at least we have Henry Cavill as Superman now.


That's definitely fair. You've brought up some good points here. I feel like we both enjoy Man of Steel to a certain degree, but there are a fair amount of well-warranted criticisms of it. Haven't watched it back in direct comparison with the Donner version, but these parallels are pretty interesting. Definitely was rubbed wrong by the way they handled Pa Kent and the "lesson" that's supposed to teach Clark. And I think even during the first viewing, the sheer amount of carnage and destruction during the fights in the latter half felt like they were out of a totally different movie. And while I get some people's argument that he's "not Superman yet" and that's part of his learning process, the degree to which it happens in MOS just makes Clark/Superman feel like a totally different, kinda bungled character by the end of it. Always feel a little bad for Henry Cavill because I think there are things about him that make for a great Superman, but so far it feels like he's been cursed to making these Superman movies that don't really seem to care much for Superman as a character.. Hopefully he can get at least one homerun for Superman before they recast him or the franchise shifts again.. haha