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Rejoice! It is time for an update! This time this is the full release instead of a teaser. It comes with a LOT of changes and improvements, which I hope you enjoy.

Here are the most important ones:

  • Completely reworked map - It comes with a new tileset, this one tailored to fit the needs of the game by the amazing pixel artist FinuArts! I auto-tiled the map and made it not a circular abomination like before.

  • Improved Enemy AI - Yes, after all this time I finally addressed the enemies. I completely rewrote their entire AI, switching to a more complex format - Behaviour Trees instead of a Finite State Machine. They are now smarter (kind of) and not as annoying as before.

  • Stats upscale - All game statistics have been increased tenfold. This is to make the game more satisfying when seeing the big numbers pop up, as well as to make a more precise way to measure power.

  • Fixed combat - it should be a bit smoother now

  • Spawning has been completely revamped - now enemies have certain regions they will spawn in and have a limit to how many can do so at the same time. This will help with swarms, as previously, a lot of people complained of being ambushed by a ton of monsters.

  • Menu updates - some style improvements as well as a new one. There is now a monster encyclopedia, you can see by going in the quest menu (O), then pressing (I) or clicking on the 'i' symbol on top. You unlock each monster's stats when you defeat them for the first time and you see them there.

  • Autosaves - the game now autosave every 3 minutes or so. You can load the latest autosave from the main menu 'Continue' button

  • A lot of QoL changes - some include new particles and UI and menu improvements

  • Bug Fixes - Loading didn't load the last few quests properly; Leveling up sometimes bugged out your choice; Fear effect from Luna made you fly with light speed etc.

This is mostly for what has changed. I know it looks like a small amount of content, but I assure you there have been a ton of under-the-hood changes to improve the experience. Also, the art form AzazellzAI will come with the next update as a toggleable option to switch between.

With that said, I hope you enjoy the update! Here is the link as usual:





Will check out both bugs in a bit!

Radical One

try to check your version again cant find any enemy to kill and I roam a lot still not a single enemy, just quest npc btw first dialog option button are fixed :)


Seems I have forgotten to enable spawining before I uploaded the files. Will fix that later today. Yet again I am sorry for the inconvenience and my clumsiness!