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YOU: Hey babe, what was the highlight of your morning?
HIM: (describes his morning)

( This might start a conversation about both of your mornings )

after a few mins...

YOU: Baby there has been something on my mind, I was wondering if I could ask you for a huge favor?
HIM: Sure, what do you need beautiful?
YOU: Well, I was thinking of getting a new car and I was wondering if you could help me out with the finances.
HIM: I see. How much are you thinking of spending on a new car?
YOU: I'm not sure, I was thinking maybe around $20,000 (INSERT THE AMOUNT YOU NEED).
HIM: That's a significant amount of money. Have you looked into financing options or saving up for a down payment?
YOU: I've looked into financing, but I was hoping to avoid taking on more debt if possible😔. I don't have a down payment saved up yet, but I was hoping you could help me out with that.
HIM: I understand that getting a new car is exciting, but it's important to be responsible with our finances. Have you considered saving up for a down payment and then looking into financing options? That way, we can make sure we can afford the monthly payments.
YOU:  It is exciting but that is not why I want a new car babe.There are a few reasons. First, my current car is getting old and unreliable. It's been breaking down a lot lately and I'm worried it's not going to last much longer. Second, I've been having a lot of trouble with my commute to work. The public transportation options near our house are limited and I've been relying on ride-sharing services, which can be expensive, as you know. A new car would give me more flexibility and save me money in the long run.
HIM: I see your point. It's definitely frustrating when your current car is unreliable and public transportation options are limited. I'm always here to support you and help you make responsible financial decisions. Let's work together to come up with a plan that works for both of us.

  • I was contemplating purchasing a new vehicle and I was wondering if you could assist me with the financial aspect of it.
  • I am thinking about buying a new car and I was hoping you could help me with the money part of it.
  • I am thinking about buying a new ride and I was hoping you could help me with the schhhhmoney part of it🤪.
  • I have been considering getting a new automobile and I was wondering if you could provide me with some financial guidance.
  • I am contemplating acquiring a new car and I was wondering if you could offer some financial advice. I would really appreciate it, honey.
  • I am pondering the purchase of a new vehicle and I was wondering if you could help me with the financial aspect of it.
  • Hola baby! I  was weighing purchasing a used vehicle and I was wondering if you could assist me with the financial aspect of it. That would really start my year off great!
  • I found theeeeeee car! It is the exact make and model I've been looking for! Can we go look at it please babe? You know I would not ask if I was not serious.
  • I came across the cutest car that I really like and I was wondering if you could join me to check it out.
  • I spotted a beautiful car that I think I would like and I was wondering if you could come with me to take a look at it.
  • I saw a car that interests me and I was wondering if you could accompany me to take a closer look.
  • I  think I might have found The car aka my dream car! I was wondering if you could join me to see it in person, you know how the dealership can be.
  •  Babe can you take a look at this car, It caught my eye and I was wondering if you could come with me to take a look at it. As you may know, I really respect your opinion. 

( I would recommend a phone conversation )

Happy Finesse Friday’s fam 💕 CATEGORY:NEW CAR 🚗https://www.patreon.com/posts/happy-finesse-45958533?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare
HOW TO GET A SD TO BUY YOU A CAR : https://youtu.be/emtzywu6uPg





It is superrrrrrr important to consider the best way to communicate about sensitive topics such as money. In general, it is a good idea to have these types of conversations in person or over the phone rather than through written communication. If you know ya know !! This can help facilitate a more open and productive dialogue. It is also important to be confident and clear when discussing financial matters. #confidence is key 🔑 Make sure you have a strong justification for the amount you are requesting and be prepared to address any questions or concerns that may arise.


Charisma and charm can be useful qualities to have when communicating with others, especially when discussing sensitive topics such as money. But if you have a sympathetic steve type of pot and you have to cry a little and pull out the violin please do !! lmaoooo