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Happy Cyber finesse Friday & Merry Xmas 🎄 Eve 

So today's finesse story will be strictly an online success story.

The pot and the finesse babe have never met. He has sent over $3,500 in one month.

🔑 They text every day and phone calls at least twice a week

🔑 He does not know her real name

🔑They have never meet

🔑Found each other on snap chat

🔑She posts on snap chat 2-3x a week

🔑They exchanged numbers after one year

🔑He is in the tech industry

🔑They live in totally different states

🔑 She purchased the items on her own but has to send him the receipt because she has a habit of spending the money on other things. So to build trust back she has to verify she has purchased the item by sending him the receipts 🧾 😭😭🤣🤣.


His salary : 500k + 💰

Does she get an allowance?

Yes at first it started off with like $400 weekly then the relationship evolved into something more so it started sending random large amounts.

How did the relationship evolve?

Well at first she would just send cute pictures & selfies. He would send small amounts like $100-$200 for cute flirty pics and videos. She also realize he was pretty anti-social and showing signs of Agoraphobia (A person with agoraphobia is afraid to leave environments they know or consider to be safe.)

Is there an age gap?

Yes he is 15 years older than

Advice for cyber sugar babies?

Be patient, practice selfies, and have great conversations. The money will come and definitely add a ton of tech “nerds” to your Snapchat. You can find them if your gaming, on Instagram, on dating sites and never post your real location or where you frequent.

Cyber babies don’t give up hope 🙈






I have 1 sugar daddy that I see in person anywhere between 1-3x a month. And multiple tricks for when I want to go to a nice dinner, all expenses paid. It would be nice to have a cyber sugar daddy again! I feel like the ones I get only stay for a few months!


Just wondering. How did you two get in touch? Did you set ur ADDCHAT age to 10+ years older than you? My AddChat only allows me to talk to people around my age.


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