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Happy Monday Finesse Fam,

I've got some inspo for yall.  It's the relationship-building and princess treatment for me.  💞

This POT knows what makes his finesse babe feel better and doesn't mind catering to her love language. Even though he recently paid thousands for her cosmetic treatments. He isn't counting and nothing is off-limits for his babe. This is the type of energy we want. 💅🏾

Sometimes you have to keep building your team of tricks while you are looking for a sponsor that you will have a genuine and long-term connection with (Or at least it needs to look like it). Once they truly value you there will be no limit to what they will do. 

I love this for us!

Don't forget to build those relationships! Finesse season is here. 

👷🏽‍♀️💎 Building your Relationship with your Cyber Sugar Daddy💰⛏️

Youtube Live Replay: Finesse season let's talk STRATEGY🗒️💵🛍️

As a friendly reminder, you must be in the Ultimate Finesse Tier and higher to view my Patreon only lives. 

Have a good week! 

All Love,





So a SD asks what is it that you seek and how may I assist. Doesn't anyone have a great answer that's direct but still classy? Having trouble answering




Know what you want and tell him. If you want trips, say a travel buddy but better wording obviously. You want shipping sprees, say that. You must know what you want first!!!