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Good morning 🌞


So just like any dating site or social media you want discretion. It shouldn't be rocket science to find a pot but it also isn’t something that’s done with ease. Each time I post a finesse video on my YouTube channel I know most of the ladies aren’t going to do the work to really find the ballers, shot callers, and “the high rollers”. I know there will be at least one “lazy Lindsey” that will swear up and down that there are not rich men in comments. WRONG! You have to be consistent and adamant on finding the men who can afford to purchase a 25K watch, you think they're just in the comments all day. Think of it like this, these millionaires account for 0.9% of the global population... which means they limited. We are not all going to end up with millionaires! So you think that by being in the comments on one page like Rolex ... when there are watch pages like Patek, Richard Mille, and Breguet, that somehow by you looking in the comments for 5 mins that you will find a man in the 0.9 %? I know these tactics work because I've used them. I found my Instagram trick on a Rolex page lol and he has spent thousands, I have put him on several of my Patreon and youtube lives ☕️🤭🤑😂. Finessing isn’t for the lazy and that’s why it’s easy to separate the wannabes from the women who actually want it. I’m not following the Holliday or Marriott vacation pages. I’m in the comments on the Balitravels, Jade mountain at Lucia $2,250 a night, and the ritz Carolton. One commenter said he spent 8 nights in Jade Mountain ST. Lucia, you do the math!! Now again this does not imply that these men are guaranteed to blow money on you or that they are sugar daddies but that is where finesse comes into play! One of my favorite finesse babes NICO she’s in the chat and she gives great advice and insightful tips! She mentioned how basically it’s so many girls on Patreon and on my YouTube channel it’s time to think outside the box. So if I give out a page or site on YouTube dont just sprint over there use your creative minds and find similar sites or pages.


VIDEO REFERENCE:https://youtu.be/gGHZRntJrNI

PART2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/category-pots-to-46084715?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare

(I have included a few screenshots of the comments for the beginner finesse the rest will be posted in the ultimate finesse)

ALL 💕,





how do we text chanel!! i need help


Hello 💕if you have a general question you message me on Patreon if you need mentorship or bio help you can join the mentor tier for $100( the difference is $95 since you are in the beginner tier). I can open a spot for today but you will also be charged on the first.


okay i messaged you thanks!