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Hey Finessers 👋🏾👋🏾 7 DAYS UNTIL 🎄

We have another 🇬🇧 Finesse babe with an SD and allowance! Okay so let’s talk about how organized She is first! She has a finesse journal where she writes down her budget, projected allowances and pots that she is dealing with at the time, and much more! Ladies, she has a strategy! She’s not arriving into this game trying to dive right into these sites and has not watched one video or read one book. She’s doing it the right way! She’s built her mouthpiece and set achievable goals🥂✨

Next: She wanted a 4K allowance... they agreed on 750£ every time they meet( 991 USD). They are seeing each other once a week, so that's 3000£(nearly 4k$) a month. He will give it to her cash in, although he doesn’t mind using Cash App! So the arrangement is PPM. Which is pay per meet.

PPM is not the most ideal arrangement because a lot of men except sex and will use the money they give you each time as a scheme to get it. She is in the mentor tier so I am going to work on helping her get the total amount upfront, but for now, PPM will work. Ladies just remember never to turn down platonic friendship money no matter if it’s $100 or $1000. Negotiating is always ideal! And if he gives you the money upfront, this is money you can apply to paying bills, upgrading your look, or investing. I am not paying your bills nor is anyone else! No I do not want anyone to negotiate their worth. However, there are girls that are in 50/50 relationships and not even getting a Christmas gift yet Effing a broke boy. While you were just offered $200 to eat steak with a man! You do the math 🤷🏾‍♀️

The site used: 4SD.COM

CNC  🥰




Omg this is so inspiring and it motivated me


Hey I’m new to this.... So what is the best app to use to get a man


Hey babe. I added which site was used on this post. But I also have a lot of post on the best apps to use. It's also gonna depend on what you're pictures look like and bio.