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Just a heads up ladies .....

This is about to change the game and not for the better 😩😣

This was sent to me last night please read below :

Hey hey! Just saw a bumble article about the unmatched feature. Even when we unmatch with the person if there was a “problem”  if the conversation was moved to phone. They can still report it. And could possibly get the bumble profile deleted. Just letting you know ladies to be extra careful with what you say through text. Maybe just say stuff on a phone call so there won’t be “proof.”  Link to the article  techcrunch.com/2020/11/09/bumbles-new-feature-prevents-bad-actors-from-using-unmatch-to-hide-from-their-victims/amp

My thoughts: There will be a lot of bitter men reporting women for no reason ...so I’m creating prompts right now on how to respond if someone reports you. Also ladies please don’t text these men on the number you used to sign up for bumble that will also help.

ugh this is annoying lol





I just got my third tinder band and I’m down to my last device- my MacBook 😂😂 these bans are thorough affff


I legit just got deleted this morning and legit just got to the point of talking about allowance with a POT I'm so pissed right now. I legit was coming to tell you about this and seen this . 😤🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️